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Reception Advice

We’ve got tons of obscenely fun wedding reception ideas, which might mean stuff like wedding reception games, wedding reception songs, fun other things to do when there’s no dancing at your wedding, wedding toasts, and so much more…

wt 070812 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Serve “walking tacos” at your reception

A “walking taco” is an awesomely portable, perfectly portioned, totally casual snack that would be perfect during a cocktail hour or reception. The trick is how to teach your guests how to make it!

jenga 062012 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Build a guest book from Jenga blocks

Have guests write little guest book notes to you on the sides of Jenga blocks to build up a tower of love. This is exactly what Devon and Michelle did at their pirate-themed wedding at a bowling alley. A game guest book fit like a glove.

rubber chicken bouquet toss alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Fake out your guests with a bouquet toss switcheroo

Katie (of Katie & Clinton’s photo-tastic family fun farm wedding fame) is quite the jokester. So when she decided to participate in the bouquet toss ritual, she decided to throw a wrench into it. A rubber chicken fake-out was in order!

d20 062912 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

D20 kiss game: Make wedding guests roll to get you to kiss!

If you’re dreading ye olde “clinking of glasses” when guests want you to smooch during dinner, maybe making them work for it will give you some time to scarf some food before it starts again. Karen and Ian used a little game involving a big, inflatable D20.

sdfgg 062012 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Sneak out and goof off during your reception

To make memories count on your wedding day, Ariel knows that taking time for a snack and getting away from it all with your partner are excellent ways to recharge and focus on the awesomeness around you. Joanna and Julian combined both ideas by sneaking off for a treat at a nearby Dairy Queen. Here […]

pool decor for wedding alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Fun and funky pool decor for your backyard wedding

So we are getting married next to a swimming pool, on a patio that we won’t be able to decorate much. The thought just occurred to me that we could have something float in the pool for decoration but I can’t think of what. Any suggestions?