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Sword fights & purple kilts at this dance party wedding with an Oreo toast

How to have unique wedding toasts that aren’t sexist

If you’re dreading your best man’s speech (“Thank you for the booze, I’m so funny and has anyone here not seen the groom naked yet, because you’re about to!!”) here are five ways to help keep your wedding toasts feeling awesome.

"Every wedding speech ever": Will you be seeing any of these stereotypes giving speeches at your wedding?

“Every wedding speech ever”: Will any of these stereotypes show up in your wedding toasts?

College Humor recently took on the task of skewering ye olde wedding toast. From your long-winded bestie to your cranky-about-paying dad to your emotional mother of the groom, no typical toastmaster was spared in this parody.

Clearly not all of us will be dealing with these stereotypes at the reception or pre-wedding parties, but certainly we can all use a good chuckle about the dreaded task of making a speech, right?

We are full-on nerding out over these custom toasting flutes, glasses, and geektastic gifts

We are nerding out over these custom toasting flutes, glasses, and geektastic gifts

We got super lucky and stumbled upon Glass Cannons via this wedding we featured. I basically went googly-eyed when I spied the etched glasses paying homage to their favorite fandoms (read: Magic the Gathering!).

They’ve got toasting flutes, shot glasses, and quirky drinkware galore. And if you have an idea in mind for glasses that mach your wedding theme, they’ll absolutely do a custom set for you…

How to keep sexist marriage cliches from invading your wedding toasts

Wedding toasts without sexist marriage cliches

I’m a feminist bride with a feminist fiance looking for some advice. I was at a good friend’s wedding recently and the groom’s older brother gave a toast with a whole section on how the groom should just accept that he’ll never be right again now that he’s married — even when the facts are on his side, he should defer to the wife to keep the peace. How can we give people the opportunity to wish us well without inviting their sexist garbage?