Cari and Gary (oh, the rhyming glory!) chose a really rad way to enter their ceremony: via ZIP-LINE! No joke. That's Gary zip-lining into the ceremony above. But the best part was Cari's description of it:
The guests have all gathered in the backyard when suddenly there is a change in the music: it's Abney Park's “Airship Pirate.” As the sound of propellers fill the air, the groom rushes in from above on a zip-line! Upon landing, he arms himself with his custom modified NERF guns and fights his way to the altar.
If you haven't heard the song, listen to a snippet, because it's so apropos. This idea isn't stealable for any ol' venue, but if it's already got the resources or you can rent one, boy does it make a statement.
Here are more photos from Cari and Gary's wedding for your viewing pleasure. Oooh, and check out this other amazing zip-lining wedding!
This is awesome. I would really like to see a bride do it in a dress. That would be impressive!
OMG I am doing this in about 3 weeks! My soon to be hubby and I were checking out the venue we wanted to be on a beach, I had been so excited to see this place I thought was beautiful was the most affordable which I thought it was so over our budget. Anyways the women was showing us where the ceremony would be on the beach when she jokingly said “Oh or you could zip line in” Ryan and I looked at one another and said OH Heck YA!!!!!! She said one groom had done this before but the bride wanted to but her mother was very upset and she ended up not doing it. So it appears I will be the first bride to zip line into the ceremony! Whats even cooler is it is a double zip line so Ryan is going with his father, then I said to my Dad “So I have a question Dad….I dont want you to walk me down the aisle….Will you zip line with me? He was so excited! We have told close friends who are part of the planning process and the family but it is a surprise to everyone else. I cant wait. I am praying for a beautiful sunny day, rain would prevent us from zip lining so bring the sun out August 18th!!!!!! I will share if we get some good video!