Lauren's dress is sexy as hell, but have you seen what Brandin is wearing? Lay it on me, pink and tartan! Their wedding also had the ultimate-traditional-fun-combo of jumping the broom and a rockin' hora. And wait until you see their Kewpie doll cake toppers canoodling under a mini chuppah. On top of it all is the sweetest, tiniest love note delivered from Brandin to Lauren before the ceremony. You'll leave here with a smile on your gob, we guarantee it. Studio Mathewes saw it first-hand and I'm pretty sure they are still on a sugar high from it.

The offbeat bride: Marylyle, Librarian (and OBT member) Her offbeat partner: Jordan, Computer Programmer Location & date of wedding: The garden outside UVA Alumni Hall... Read more
That is the happiest groom in the world. Looks like a really fun wedding!
I just did a double take, that’s Bella Luna! That’s the Loring-Greenough House! I live right nearby. My boyfriend and I are always saying that Bella Luna would be our perfect reception location. Unfortunately, we’re pretty sure our families will want us to get married in the our home state, le sigh. Thank you for these beautiful pics, neighbor. You guys have some serious style. Congratulations!
I was about to comment the exact same thing! HOLLA JP! 😀
Her hair! His outfit! That cake!
This looks like such a fun wedding!
Wow, I totally know the bride from ages ago! If you find yourself here, congratulations, Lauren! Your wedding photos are amazing. I wish you two the best!
OMG, that is the happiest-looking couple ever, I can just feel their love and it’s making me all warm and fuzzy! <3
YES!!! What an amazing wedding! Great photos, as usual Jocelyn! <3 <3 <3
That is a man in LOVE with his woman! They are so happy, I love everything.
As everyone else has already said, the thing that sings from the screen is the HAPPINESS! Just lovely.