You saw Erin and Peter's amazing Scott Pilgrim-inspired drink Kolder Holders in last week's Monday Montage, but guess what just popped up in our Offbeat Bride Flickr pool… Yes, that Tardis terrarium is only a taste of the wonder that is Erin and Peter's jaw-dropping centerpieces with tiny geeky references in glass jars from Ikea.
Check them all out!

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Want more geekery?
- Browse our Doctor Who weddings
- Who wants some Star Wars weddings up in their eyeballs?
- Maybe Zombie Vows are your style?
- Wanna see a lesbian wedding with a Portal cake?
- Or hell, dive into our MASSIVE geeky wedding archive.
photography: Whitney Lee Photography
Portal and Firefly… oh happy Tuesday!
Who are these people and why are they not my best friends?
And I think I can tell you – the Trek terrarium is the Enterprise (D? It’s hard to tell from that angle) and a Klingon Destroyer giving chase. 😛
Agreed; definitely the Enterprise-D. I’m thinking that the other is a Vor’cha-class attack cruiser, even though the color is off.
Ooh, I think you’re bang on, there. It was either Klingon or Romulan, and it definitely wasn’t a Bird of Prey/Warbird.
One of my most treasured possessions is a vaguely inappropriate photo of me and my partner with Chancellor Gowron (he’s sort of humping me?) and General Martok.
Oh right on! I met Koloth and Kang at an east coast con back in the late 90s – they had this fantastic warrior-comic-duo vibe during the panel that had the crowd rolling.
Katie, I think you are right about the enterprise. The klingon ship looks like a D7 class battle cruiser…
Please, do not ask me how I know these things, anywhere else it would be damn embarrassing to admit.
I thought it was the D7 at first too, but the main sensor array looks more like the one for the Vor’cha IMHO (the boxy thing on the top near the back). The timing makes more sense as well – the D7 was the Klingon ship of choice on TOS, while the Vor’cha was the class we saw the most of of TNG.
But who knows – maybe they’re meeting in a pocket universe, from different time periods? Still – a Galaxy class Federation ship would make short work of a D7 🙂
Well see, that’s exactly what *I* was thinking, which was why I was so confused. No… no, not really. 🙂
No worries, that’s what we’re here for! That, and snuggling.
I already knew you to go to you for teh snugglez, but now I know you’re my go-to Star Trek dude. 🙂
I see your point, and think you might be right. It’s pretty hard to tell through those glass jars! How wonderful is it that we can debate these things on a bridal chat board!
Geeks FTW!
Itty bitty Serenity, how very cute! Love the Portal jar too, I’m having Portal wedding bits too in the form of cake. No lie!
Hopefully from the recipie, minus the electrical parts of course 🙂
I LOVE the Portal jars!!! I am planning a Portal themed wedding and these would be so cute on some of the tables!!!
Where did they get those great jars? We are looking to do something similar and those jars would be perfect and totally reusable after the wedding!
Ikea: http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/50081452/
Oh my gosh, these are fantastic! We wanted to do each table’s theme as something important to us or influential to our relationship, this concept of an interest terrarium would work beautifully for that 🙂 Thanks!
The Firefly one actually made me catch my breath. Must make these now!
Guys. No, seriously, guys. I am pumped the hell up! My week has officially been made seeing my centerpieces up here. I’m just going to have to stay at home the rest of the week because there’s no way anything’s going to top getting to see these on one of my very favorite blogs.
It’s so much fun being a nerd.
I adore you, Erin!!!
I absolutely lost my shit over half of these. Specifically, Katamari and Totoro ones were amazing!! I made strange little squee noises when I saw them, and boyfriend came over to see what on earth those sounds meant. After seeing the Star Wars and Serenity jars, he agreed with me.
Also, I may just leave our Katamari SaveTheDate here. Yep, I’ll just…leave it right here…
I LOVE the Katamari save the date! And the centerpiece to match! <3
I am so stealing this idea! Finally a use for all those collectables in our condo! It will be a lot of fun deciding who gets to sit at each table. It brings up interesting questions like, is Aunt Alice more of a zergling or a space marine?
Where did you get your mini TARDIS and the Enterprise?
One in every of my most treasured possessions is a vaguely inappropriate photo of me and my partner with Chancellor Gowron (he’s type of humping me?) and Normal Martok.
So… we weren’t the only people to have white IKEA mice representing HHGTTG at our wedding? Ours policed the card box.
Can we be friends?
M.C. Clapyohandz with a “z” i love phsych
I actually teared up at the Firefly terrarium. I realized I wanted to be friends/date my fiance when I realized he also watched Firefly.
Plus, I miss that show.
Totally stealing this. How do I find out where they got some of their pieces? Like the Serenity, companion cube, mini Star Trek/Wars vehicles? My googles have so far come up dry on affordable options.
Where did you find those jars!?? 🙂
These are so wonderful! I showed them to my fiance and I think it was the first wedding-detaily thing he’s gotten genuinely excited about. We’re going to try and do our own versions, but I’m sort of stuck on where to get awesome mini figurines. Where did you find yours? Or does anyone out there have a rad figurine source up their sleeves?
Wow, those are amazing. It is ok if I steal the idea? I am thinking of adding some Dr Horrible stuff as well.
We don’t post ideas for people to not-steal! 😉
PLEASE share where you got your minis!
I want to put a TARDIS in my Ladies of Awesome boxes
so where do i find these jars? i really love the totoro one. i could probably make it myself but i was wondering if yall had any ideas. ?
Awesome! We are doing little geeky fishbowls for our wedding in 4 weeks! Thank you for further inspiration.
Where on earth did you find the tiny Serenity? I must have this.
Yes! I’m dying to do this for our Sci-Fi wedding! Please tell me where you got all the tiny figures. I’ve been googleing my ass off and can’t find anything!
I found a few items on Amazon, give it a try!
These are genuinely original and just the right amount of nerdy. Stunning work and so darn cute it hurts!
Loved the doctor who one!
A PSYCH REFERENCE! I’ve never seen one ever! Aw, man, all of these jars are so awesome!!
Thanks for all the hard work. Appreciate the brushes, which are very well done. Keep up the good work.
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I really love this idea and I can’t wait to incorporate it my own wedding later this year. I have a question though. It seems like they are just on a mirror square. Would you put anything else with the terrariums on table? I am afraid they will seem lost in the center of a big table. What size mason jars do you recommend?