Rainy Seaside Wedding Bess and Eric 34 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)
Photography by Lauren Beischer of Inspire Me Imagery

Once we saw Bess and Eric's rainy seaside Jewish wedding (coming soon!) we knew we had to share their unique ceremony script. The couple crafted their own version of the Sheva Brachot, the traditional Jewish Seven Blessings to mark their union, and as promised, here they are:

Bess: My having a Jewish background and my husband having a German background, we wanted to incorporate both cultures into the ceremony in a meaningful way. I rewrote the Seven Blessings to reflect our secular view of the world, with our family members reciting each one:

The first blessing, which honored the fruit of the vine: How fortunate we are for the beauty of the natural world, from the fruit of the vine to the deep ocean to the infinite cosmos.

The second blessing, which honored God as Ruler of the Universe: How fortunate we are for the glory of our existence. Our little contributions give way to a larger story that goes so far beyond our own.

The third blessing, which honored God’s choice to create human beings: How fortunate we are for the nuances that make the human experience this rich and varied. People are so fascinating, and today we share a space with Bess and Eric’s very favorite people in the world.

The fourth blessing, which honored how we’re made in God’s image: How fortunate we are for our instinct to lead lives with morality, compassion, civic responsibility, and dignity.

The fifth blessing, which honored the offspring of Zion: How fortunate we are for the growth of families. Our given family, our chosen family, our partners, our children, and our friends.

The sixth blessing, which honored our ancestors in the Garden of Eden: How fortunate we are for the ancestors that lived and suffered when they were on this earth, so that we could live and celebrate today. We praise all the people who came before us, and the space they take up in the universe.

Repeated in German: Wir sind so dankbar für unsere vorfahren, die auf dieser Erde gelebt und gelitten haben, sodass wir heute leben und feiern können. Wir loben alle menschen, die vor uns kamen und den platz, den sie im universum einnehmen.

Repeated in Hebrew: Anachnu meusharim u’modim l’eilu sheh ba’u lefaneynu v’chayu v’savlu b’Olam hazot kdey l’afsher lanu lichyot v’lachgog b’yachad Hayom. Ananchnu meshabchot otam v’ mekomotam be olamenu.

The seventh blessing, which honored joy, dance, and community: How fortunate we are for the joy of this gathering and our ability to support and care for one another. We’ve been gifted the ability to appreciate humor, community, and music. We must never forget to take pause in the midst of a fast-paced world, and remember the miracles around us. Today, the miracle of two people who found each other, and their love being the source of so much delight.

Rainy Seaside Wedding Bess and Eric 23 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Looking for more inspirational words of love ? We got you. Wanna see how other offbeat Jewish couples have celebrated their big day under the chuppah? Our cup runneth over – have a look!

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