Category Archive

unity ceremony

Unity cocktails, unity wine boxes, unity candles, unity science projects, and even unity sandwiches… we’ve got some great unique unity ceremony ideas for you in here! You may also want to check our Ceremony Advice archive for more thoughts on structuring your wedding ceremony.

commitment ceremony

5 non-legal commitment ceremony ideas

There are many reasons that commited people don’t get legally married — from not being allowed to by law, to just not being comfortable with the concept. We don’t give a shit why you don’t want to make it legal, we just love the fact that you want to celebrate your commitment to to one another. So here are some ways you can throw a non-wedding party…

Screen Shot 2013 08 21 at 3.32.38 PM alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Build a unity heart out of LEGO

We showed you Jill and Zach’s first look on this Reader Round-up, but here’s the nerd-tastic ceremony idea that you’re going to want to steal. Jill and Zach built a heart out LEGO together as their unity ceremony…

9245242876 f948cd23b9 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Clara & Justin’s massive mix of geekery and love wedding

We teased this contender for most geeky references ever in a wedding a couple of weeks ago, and now you’ll get the whole story AND all the fandom references we know you want! We’re talking Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Firefly, World of Warcraft, Dracula, Sherlock, Transformers, Myst, Diablo… GASP… Portal, Lord of the Rings, Mario… WHEW, I can’t even go on. There’s too many. Go on without us. But know that it’s dangerous to go alone. Take this wedding.

Screen Shot 2013 07 31 at 1.11.54 PM alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

You can’t even deal with how much geeky awesomeness is contained within this wedding

Check out Brew and Kestre’s custom-made Save the Date invitation. This amazingly illustrated Save the Date contains 36 references to geeky TV shows, movies, and more! Can you spot them all?

The invitation is the just the tip of the geektastic awesomeness that is Brew and Kestre’s wedding. Wait until you see the event photos that showed up in our Flickr pool…

6665585057 99646a7fef alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Marta & Dan’s antique country western wedding

Growing up in auctions, flea markets, and antique-dealing fathers definitely left it’s mark on these repurposing and recycling kids. Like they say, “old trumps new every time!” So an old-fashioned, rural retro wedding was totally in order. Just watch out for the awesome unity ceremony… it’s a little dangerous, but definitely exciting.

Screen Shot 2013 07 12 at 10.19.53 AM alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Turn your unity ceremony into a Unity Sandworm ceremony

If you’re planning a sand ceremony, why not take inspiration from Beth and Brian and turn it into a Unity Sandworm ceremony!