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geeky weddings

Gamers, comic book nerds, pop-culture enthusiasts, and geeks of all kinds: Offbeat Wed is the original home of nerdy weddings going way back to 2006. We’ve got geeky wedding ideas for all the fandoms: Doctor Who weddings, Star Wars weddings, Lord of the Rings weddings, Harry Potter weddings, Game of Thrones weddings, and so many more…

Borderlands wedding as seen on @offbeatbride #borderlands

Are you prepared for this Borderlands cosplay wedding?

Attention Borderlands fans: this Borderlands cosplay wedding is right up your alley. With handcrafted weapons and costumes, this intimate wedding takes video game themes up a notch and wowed us. You don’t want to miss the detail that went into the costumes, the decor, and the Borderlands details. Plus, if you’re looking for amazing Etsy sellers for these details, you’ll want to see the list.

Elephant toothpaste unity ceremony as seen on @offbeatbride #elephant #toothpaste #unityceremony

What the hell is an elephant toothpaste unity ceremony?!

Science fans: this wild unity ceremony is straight up your alley. We love a good science-y unity ceremony, like this Prince Rupert’s Drop ceremony and this chemical reaction ceremony. We recently stumbled on a new one with an awesome name that we had to share: the elephant toothpaste ceremony!

sdfsd alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Don’t miss the gorgeous mohawk at this wildflower wedding

Kristen and Tim’s parents’ house was host to their wildflower wedding with artist touches. Mismatched vases full of wildflowers and herbs like sunflowers, lavender, sage, and thyme (including the bride’s bouquet!) adorned the trees, archway, and fences.

The bride is an artist and created the invitations, save-the-dates, AND the amazing coloring book favors which showed scenes of the couples from their favorite fandoms like Game of Thrones, Batman, and all kinds of video games. Definitely don’t miss the dinosaur touch on their cakes and the kick-ass Neverending Story guest book.

Weird and wonderful ways to propose (that actually worked!) as seen on @offbeatbride #wedding #proposals

16 wonderful and weird wedding proposals (that totally worked!)

If there’s one thing we love, it’s a good proposal story. Now, we really love an intimate, meaningful, and sweet proposal, but sometimes you just want to hear a neat story of nerdy, wonderful, and weird wedding proposals. We’ve seen some amazing offbeat wedding proposals and we wanted to round up some of the ones we’ve featured, some we love from around the web, and some that have just become legend. Let’s go down the rabbit hole of geeky, romantic, and wonderfully weird wedding proposals.

26984351716 5870ab189c c alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

The Art Nouveau wedding: LEGO meets geek meets Southern hospitality

When Art Nouveau meets big time nerdery, it can only mean one thing: a gorgeous, LEGO-infused, DIYed wedding that spoils us with awesomeness. Don’t miss the two homemade cakes, the Lord of the Rings-esque Art Nouveau decor, and the awesome send-off. OH, and you’ll never guess what happened when the bride’s dad wasn’t there when it was time to walk down the aisle!

nbc alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Flying Zeros! This Nightmare Before Christmas headpiece is NO nightmare

Halloween (and potentially Christmas!) brides, I could NOT wait to share this headpiece with you. As an avid fan of The Nightmare Before Christmas, anything featuring a one Mr. Jack Skellington calls my name. And I know some of you out there are on my boat and are planning a spooktacular Halloween wedding that needs this Nightmare before Christmas headpiece. For glob’s sake, there’s a FLYING ZERO on top!