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geeky weddings

Gamers, comic book nerds, pop-culture enthusiasts, and geeks of all kinds: Offbeat Wed is the original home of nerdy weddings going way back to 2006. We’ve got geeky wedding ideas for all the fandoms: Doctor Who weddings, Star Wars weddings, Lord of the Rings weddings, Harry Potter weddings, Game of Thrones weddings, and so many more…

sdffdd alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Mass Effect meets Star Trek at this theatrical science wedding

Want to see what you’d get if you combined a love of sci-fi, handmade costumes derived from characters in Star Trek and Mass Effect, and a movie theater venue? You’d have this theatrical science wedding with awesome visuals, amazing sci-fi readings, and a team of “Squadmates.” Though they may have run into some technical issues at the ceremony, it was all worth it for the groom’s grandmother’s comment: “Weddings keep getting weirder.” Hell yes, they do!

stonehenge alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

You can get married at Stonehenge?! You totally can, and they did

This Star Wars-loving pair had a Stonehenge wedding(!!) that was amazing plus a huge, costumed reception back at home to celebrate their geeky and lovely wedding. You’ll totally want to see the bride’s black dress, her flower crown, the Star Wars meets Stonehenge cake, and of course, all of the awesomely geeky Star Wars details. There was even a Darth Vader cameo!

Hidden chest wedding favors as seen on @offbeatbride

These hidden chest wedding favors are like a mystery subscription box for your guests

Hazi and Matt did a ton of seriously fun things at their woodland rainbow wedding, but their hidden chest wedding favors were especially intriguing. They took five chests full of geeky, gamer, and fantasy-themed loot and hid them around the reception area. Whoever found them got to keep all the loot!

hp alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Hey, snitches: 45+ ways to make your Harry Potter weddings MAGIC

Where mah Potterphile bishes at?! You and I have a date with SO MANY Harry Potter wedding details. We’re talking snitch cakes, unbreakable vow ring books, house cup decor, wand favors, Hogwarts Express invitations, Daily Prophet programs, and REAL Hedwigs. After all this time will you still love it? Always. Bring this hugh jass Harry Potter wedding roundup to your wedding posse, your wedding planner, your baker, your ring designer, your candlestick maker… anyone who NEEDS to know what kind of Harry Potter wedding details you’re looking for. This is the big, ultimate, Harry Potter wedding roundup of your Hogwarts-getting letter dreams.

It's #dorklove at this comic book store and art gallery wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

It’s #dorklove at this comic book store and art gallery wedding

We’d already seen Puja and Michaels’s geektastic venue, but we’d never seen the actual wedding! We’ve got the whole shebang now including their comic book details (and of course, the rad comic book store venue!), Puja’s killer blue and white cocktail-length dress, used book centerpieces, library book place cards, and a “love formula” cake. This is one for the books… the comic books, that is…

Nerdy pre-deployment wedding (with Game of Thrones cosplay!)

Nerdy military pre-deployment wedding (with Game of Thrones cosplay!)

The groom was set to be deployed, so he proposed less than three weeks before the ceremony. Queue the nerdy, Star Wars and Game of Thrones quick wedding! On a beautiful veranda by a pond, the cosplaying pair had a nerdy military pre-deployment wedding to thrill everyone.