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geeky weddings

Gamers, comic book nerds, pop-culture enthusiasts, and geeks of all kinds: Offbeat Wed is the original home of nerdy weddings going way back to 2006. We’ve got geeky wedding ideas for all the fandoms: Doctor Who weddings, Star Wars weddings, Lord of the Rings weddings, Harry Potter weddings, Game of Thrones weddings, and so many more…

A real life Pokémon scavenger hunt proposal as seen on @offbeatbride

This girl proposed to her boyfriend with a real life Pokémon scavenger hunt proposal

I knew that if I were capable of any coding at all I would need to propose to my boyfriend Jacob with a Pokémon game. Since I have no experience coding anything, there was no way I could make him a game. I decided to go a completely different route: a real world Pokémon scavenger hunt proposal with wild Pokémon and gyms.

Level up at this board games, arcade, quest wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

Level up at this arcade adventure quest wedding

This pair totally embraced the alternative reception concept with a no-dancing, board games, arcade-style, bowling celebration at their adventure quest wedding. You’ll never believe how detailed their wedding quest was. Custom dice, tons of games, loads of awesome break-the-ice quests, all after a gorgeous forest preserve ceremony.

Harry Potter + Star Wars wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

Lightsabers vs. wands: don’t miss this Harry Potter meets Star Wars wedding

Andrea and Ron both have true passions for Harry Potter and Star Wars. They’re convention fiends and travel all over the U.S. to celebrate their fandom faves. It was only right to incorporate that at their Harry Potter meets Star Wars wedding. Spot the references in their themed place cards and table numbers, the R2-D2 made completely out of flowers for the place card table, the EPIC handmade Marauders’ Map programs (that took over 40 hours to create!), and wand vs. lightsaber battle.

Harry Potter meets Star Wars wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

I solemnly swear these DIYed Harry Potter programs are up to no good

We’ve got a geektastic Harry Potter and Star Wars wedding coming up this week, but I seriously couldn’t wait to share the DIYed Marauders’ Map programs made by the bride, Andrea, herself. They took over 40 hours to make by hand and it shows. The Harry Potter programs opened in three different directions to reveal the sequence of events at the ceremony and a special thank you message from the couple.

Are you seeing the footprints pointing at “Processional?” So flippin’ adorable. Fellow Potterphiles: are you not entertained?! Let’s peek at the rest of these Harry potter programs at Andrea and Ron’s wedding. Stay tuned for the rest of the wedding (including floral R2-D2!) later this week…

A Renaissance fantasy wedding as seen on @offbeatbride #renaissance #wedding

A Renaissance fairy tale fantasy wedding

Let me introduce you to one of my fave kind of weddings: the Renaissance faire wedding! This one has it all: big turkey legs, a DRAGON CAKE, man braids, Ren faire garb, an Elsa-inspired dress, a horse-drawn carriage exit, a toast by the king and queen, and even a pike-arch entrance to the reception. This is royal as hell and we LOVE it.

Geeky candy buffet ideas with MY M&M'S® -- as seen on @offbeatbride #sponsored #mysweetstory @mymms

7 ways to make your geeky candy buffet for adults totally nerdtastic

Who’s planning to rock a mad geeky candy buffet at their wedding reception? Candy buffets can be a super fun way to offer a less expensive favor to your guests, add some color and personality to your decor, and score points with kids and sugar fiends. It’s an all-around win. If you’re going with a geeky theme, like Star Wars or comic books, we’ve got some particularly dorksome tips for making sure your geeky candy buffet covers all the bases. Because all your base are belong to us.