Planning tools 101: wedding budget calculator
We launched a comprehensive and totally customizable document of wedding planning spreadsheets if you’re the type to get down with spreadsheets like I am. First we featured a big ol’ wedding timeline, then we featured the guest list planner, and now we’re showing you the wedding budget calculator for all your costs and figures and savings.
Planning tools 101: wedding venue comparison chart
You may be following along with this series on our new totally customizable document of wedding planning spreadsheets. They’ll help you build out the best wedding planning binder for super organization in spreadsheet form (my fave kind!). We’re showing you the wedding venue comparison chart, which is a chart we haven’t seen elsewhere before in this form. We’re talking a total venue chart to fill in with your venue option totals, specific amenities, parking information, notes, and photos to help you make your wedding venue decision.
Planning tools 101: Your wedding timeline spreadsheet
Rad news, you guys: we’ve launched a comprehensive and totally customizable document of wedding planning spreadsheets! This means we’ve got a complete set of planning templates to steer your whole event. In this series, we’re going to talk through all the spreadsheets. First up: the WEDDING TIMELINE!
Safeguard your important details with an “oh shit list”
Rebecca and Bryan’s rock opera wedding is now legend around these parts, but this little tidbit of advice may just go overlooked with all the razzle dazzle of the wedding itself. And boy, did it dazzle. Rebecca had lots of little details that were important to her and wished that she had listed them out and delegated them to someone to make sure they happened. Much like an “oh shit kit,” which pulls together all your most necessary items, this “oh shit list” is a list of the most important things you want to make sure go down as planned.