I searched many websites, bought quote books, and compiled lists of quotes I sort of liked.
I found loads of them. Boatloads. Metric fuckloads.
But some I had read so many times on so many websites that I couldn't muster up any enthusiasm for them at all. Like the one about “gazing at the stars in the same direction” — it's very pretty, it's cute, but it didn't hit the romantic sweet spot for me.
So, I culled my quotes file and nailed down fifty-two bad-ass quotes that I adore and that I'm sharing with you now.
I used most of these on our wedding favors.
A few of these are old favorites from Offbeat Brides past, but a lot of them I've never seen on a wedding site.
So enjoy and begin compiling and culling your own metric fuckload of quotes!
“True love is the greatest thing, in the world-except for a nice MLT — mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe.” –The Princess Bride
“Love makes you do the wacky.” –Buffy the Vampire Slayer
“Happiness is anyone and anything at all, that's loved by you.” –You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown
“As You Wish.” –The Princess Bride
“And think not that you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.” -Khalil Gibran's The Prophet
“Like you're trying to fight gravity
on a planet that insists
that love is like falling
and falling is like this”
-Ani Difranco's Falling Is Like This
“'cause I know there is strength
in the differences between us
and I know there is comfort
where we overlap”
-Ani Difranco's Overlap
“Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” –Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (and yes, Matthew 6:21, too)
“Who, being loved, is poor?” -Oscar Wilde
“Better never to have met you in my dream than to wake and reach for hands that are not there.” -Otomo No Yakamochi
“I love your feet
because they have
wandered over
the earth and through
the wind and water
until they brought
you to me.”
-Pablo Neruda
“I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life. ” -Rita Rudner
“I love you. You annoy me more than I ever thought possible, but… I want to spend every irritating minute with you.” –Scrubs
“If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus one day, so I never have to live without you. ” -Ernest H. Shephard (this is often erroneously attributed to A.A. Milne, but he never wrote these words)
“We need a witness to our lives. There's a billion people on the planet… I mean, what does any one life really mean? But in a marriage, you're promising to care about everything. The good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things… all of it, all of the time, every day. You're saying ‘Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it. Your life will not go un-witnessed because I will be your witness.'” –Shall We Dance?
“The minute I heard my first love story
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.
Lovers don't finally meet somewhere.
They're in each other all along.” –The Essential Rumi
“I love you, not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you, not only for what you have made of yourself but for what you are making of me.” -Roy Croft
“I love you right up to the moon — and back.” -Sam McBratney's Guess How Much I Love You
“We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.” -Robert Fulghum
“When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” –When Harry Met Sally
“I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.” –The Fellowship of the Ring
“No, I mean I like you very much. Just as you are.” –Bridget Jones Diary
“One plus one equals both.” -Gregory Maguire's Son of a Witch
“Now join your hands, and with your hands your hearts.” -William Shakespeare
“No. No, you can't… STOP. Please don't go away. Please? No one's ever stuck with me for so long before. And if you leave… if you leave… I just, I remember things better with you. I do, look. P. Sherman, forty-two… forty-two… I remember it, I do. It's there, I know it is, because when I look at you, I can feel it. And-and I look at you, and I… and I'm home. Please… I don't want that to go away. I don't want to forget.” –Finding Nemo
“You have made a place in my heart where I thought there was no room for anything else. You have made flowers grow where I cultivated dust and stones.” -Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time
“All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love.” -Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace
“Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get only with what you are expecting to give — which is everything.” -Katharine Hepburn
“There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread.” -Mother Teresa
“What will survive of us is love.” -Phillip Larkin's An Arundel Tomb
“What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” -Helen Keller
“Love must be as much a light, as it is a flame.” -Henry David Thoreau
“To find someone who will love you for no reason, and to shower that person with reasons, that is the ultimate happiness.” -Robert Brault
“You and you alone make me feel that I am alive. Other men it is said have seen angels, but I have seen thee and thou art enough.” -George Moore
“We loved with a love that was more than love.” -Edgar Allan Poe's Annabell Lee
“Love doesn't sit there like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; remade all of the time, made new.” -Ursula K. Le Guin
“He felt now that he was not simply close to her, but that he did not know where he ended and she began.” -Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina
“Love me and the world is mine.” -David Reed
“You know you're in love when you don't want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” -Dr. Seuss
“Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” -Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights
“Love is like a friendship caught on fire.” -Jeremy Taylor
“True love stories never have endings.” -Richard Bach
“Nobody has ever measured, even poets, how much a heart can hold.” -Zelda Fitzgerald
“I have been astonished that Men could die Martyrs for religion — I have shudder'd at it — I shudder no more — I could be martyr'd for my Religion — Love is my religion — I could die for that — I could die for you.” -John Keats
“My Creed is Love and you are its only tenet.” -John Keats
“I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.” -Javan
“Tell me who admires you and loves you, and I will tell you who you are.” -Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve
“The only thing that matters is what they feel, and how much they feel, for each other. And if it's half of what we felt — that's everything.” Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
“In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love.” -Mother Theresa
“Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it.” -Swedish Proverb
“Gravitation can not be held responsible for people falling in love.” -Albert Einstein
“There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.” -Friedrich Nietzsche
So, what's next?
YOUR TURN! Have a quote we forgot? Share it in the comments!
**Swoon** What a great collection of quotes! Thank you so much for posting this!
I agree! I especially love the line from Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner. That is one of my very favorite movies!
I agree these quotes are nice. I especially liked this quote: “Gravitation can not be held responsible for people falling in love.” -Albert Einstein
Ps, the quote from Harry Potter is actually originally from the Bible- Matthew 6:21.
I actually did know that… but my husband would have pitched a fit if I used a Bible quote on our favors (he’s a militant Atheist), so I listed it as being from Harry Potter (it was used in the book) and he was fine with that.
Oh I so needed this – Thank you
This is perfect, and I hadnt seen it before:
“The minute I heard my first love story
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.
Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere.
They’re in each other all along.” – The Essential Rumi
seriously! teared up right away.
Sooooo awesome! Used one on my boyfriend! It was the best moment ever!
I love the fact that quote #2 is from Buffy.
My boyfriend and I plan on the whole wedding ceremony will be mostly Buffy quotes.
FANTASTIC! Bring some candles, extra flamey
That sounds like the best wedding ever. Once more with feeling: the best wedding imaginable.
Absolutely amazing! These quotes blend just the right amount of nerd and sentimentality 🙂
It’s slightly unfair how I’m tearing up at that Finding Nemo quote. That part of the movie gets me every single time!!
It’s nice to know I’m not the only who teared up at that. 🙂
I know!! I was reading that quote, and didn’t realize I was tearing up until FH looked at me and asked what was wrong!:) Best list EVAR!
Yeah… when I normally think of Dori I hate that character. But this quote was amazing. I cried about a million times while reading this list
Me too!!!
I love that Shakespeare quote, I am already using it on our wedding invitations.
I was thinking it would be really beautiful on invites too! nice choice 🙂
Ooo! *raises hand* I have some from my wedding last week, from The Simpsons, 1984, and the comic American Splendor! Found them all myself, and guests loved them:
“I didn’t want to get married… But it was just like being at a flea market – you see one thing you never expected to find there and it’s so special you’ve gotta have it, even if it’s going to take all your money & you don’t know how you’ll ever get it home. I knew it wouldn’t be perfect… But we manage to work it out.” –Harvey Pekar and Joyce Brabner, A Marriage Album
“You can’t trick somebody into loving you. There’s a reason two people come together and stay together – there’s something they give each other that nobody else can give them.” – Lisa Simpson, episode “Secrets of a Successful Marriage”
“Her feelings were her own, and could not be altered from outside. If she loved him, she loved him, and when she had nothing else to give, she still gave him love. They were governed by private loyalties which they did not question. What mattered were individual relationships, and a completely helpless gesture, an embrace, a tear, could have value in itself. No one could alter her feelings: for that matter she could not alter them herself, even if she wanted to.”
-George Orwell, 1984
Someone sent this to me. It made me smile. I really hope you will be as close and as happy as Harvey and I were. He died last year. It was not always easy but it was always, always interesting and we loved each other very much.
Thank you so much for your kind comment. My husband (whose obsessive music collection reminds me of Harvey) and I have the same hopes for our marriage.
I am so sorry for your recent loss. Your husband’s work and your work with him are quite important to me, so your response means a lot. Thanks for making my day!
gonna have to find a spot for the lisa simpson quote… 🙂
If there are any Keats fans out there, this is my favorite from his letters to Fanny Brawne. I’ve written it into my vows:
‘I never knew before, what such a love as you have made me feel, was; I did not believe in it; my Fancy was affraid of it, lest it should burn me up. But if you will fully love me, though there may be some fire, ’twill not be more than we can bear when moistened and bedewed with Pleasures.’
Ahh… that Scrubs quote is exactly how my guy and I decided to get together. He said to me, “I find you bothersome, but intriquing.” And now we’re getting married. Oh happiness.
So excited to see a quote from The Wheel of Time. I read it and instantly knew! Trying to figure out a good way to incorporate all my favorite fantasy novel love quotes into my wedding.
I just finished a Re-read of Wheel of Time… I honestly don’t know if I’ll survive til november if that’s how long it takes for A Memory of Light!
I have also been trying to find great Wheel of Time/ Firefly / Futurama quotes that would work for a wedding.
Did you ever find any romantic Firefly quotes?
I would add “We loved sir used to meet, how sad and mad and bad it was but then.. how sweet” by Robert Browning, I just love the way it flows when read aloud.
The quote about the feet is actually the last part of this poem by Pablo Neruda:
Your Feet
When I cannot look at your face
I look at your feet.
Your feet of arched bone,
your hard little feet.
I know that they support you,
and that your sweet weight
rises upon them.
Your waist and your breasts,
the doubled purple
of your nipples,
the sockets of your eyes
that have just flown away,
your wide fruit mouth,
your red tresses,
my little tower.
But I love your feet
only because they walked
upon the earth and upon
the wind and upon the waters,
until they found me.
-Pablo Neruda
Wow! what an amazing poem. So sweet and so true. Pablo was really a master of the words.
We will totally be including Finding Nemo in our wedding, it is Mr S’s favourite movie- we own it on DVD and Blue-ray!
My fave new song by incubus… part of lyrics:
“What’s wrong with you is good…. for what’s wrong with me.”
1.) Damn, that Harry Potter quote is biblical? Curse you JK Rowling, now I can’t use it!
2.)Finding Nemo! If I could get away with it, I totally would.
3.)Quoting Annabell Lee probably isn’t a great idea, it’s not exactly uplifting. FH and I have already tried that path.
I think quoting Annabell Lee would be great for a Goth or Halloween wedding.
A great quote’s a great quote! Why let a dislike of the source shackle you?
p.s. Large swaths of the Bible are about loving everyone even when they don’t deserve it.
Thank you ever so much for writing this post. We are coming up on our 1 year anniversary. I’m going to steal some of your fabulous quotes to put in my 1 each day cards during our trip. Now — how to choose????
Go on a REALLY long trip?
This is the latest lesson in the “I really shouldn’t read this blog in public” category, because tearing up in the library is not classy. Oh well.
Yes, dude, I’m tearing up in Panera, not cool.
I love these! I used to be obsessed with quotes in general. I think one of my favorites is from Gandhi – “Where there is love, there is life”.
This is my favourite quote and sums up me and my boy:
My Dream
by Ogden Nash
This is my dream,
It is my own dream,
I dreamt it.
I dreamt that my hair was kempt.
Then I dreamt that my true love unkempt it.
THANK YOU for attributing the E.H. Shepard quote correctly. It drives me batty that people think it’s a quote from Winnie the Pooh. It is NOT.
Anyway – love the list 🙂
LOVE these! I’m pretty sure I could craft our whole ceremony out of these quotes!
I’m crying. Thank you so much for posting these- they have made a crappy week far less crappy, and have given me yet more inspiration for our wedding ceremony!
Two of my faves:
“To love another person is to see the face of God”- Les Miserables
“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love…and be loved in return”- David Bowie/Moulin Rouge.
That second quote is from “Nature Boy,” actually – written by eden abhez in 1947 and first popularized by Nat King Cole in 1948.
Jazz geek? Why, yes, I am.
I knew the name of the song- just thought it was by Bowie originally!
My fiance and I are both huge Jazz fans and are trying to incorporate Jazz lyrics into our vows.
The Les Mis quote is one of my all time favorites! Sadly, the Hubs is a militant atheist and gets his hackles up regarding any mention of god. He’s such a little bitch sometimes. Good thing he’s adorable.
Love, love, love the Ani D quotes! She also has another song, ‘Smiling Underneath’ – amazing! The quote from ‘Overlap’ – :gasp: it’s one of our songs 🙂 and will probably be incorporated in the ceremony.
Thanks so much for the rest. Brilliant!
Love that Keats was included. He was such a master of love and poetry, without it getting too schmaltzy.
“This is our musical theater love story
we’re making it scene to scene
Our love is strong and growing
On our journey to be free”
-“Musical Theater Love Story” from The Big Gay Musical
LOVE this. I think I have an idea what to put on the tables and wedding favors 🙂
that weirdness quote is SO perfect for us that I’m gonna take it and run to my sweetheart to show her right away.
We’re basing our wedding on this quote. It’s so great and my SO’s favorite.
Thank you so much for this! I’ve been compiling geeky love quotes for a while now. The boy and I are game (and book) junkies, so a few others I planned to use are:
“It’s still a thrill to turn and see you beside me.” Anders, from Dragon Age.
“If there’s a future to be had, I will walk into it gladly at your side.” Fenris, Dragon Age (yea.. I really only play Bioware games, haha)
“You love me, real or unreal?” “Real.” Peeta and Katniss, Mockingjay (Hunger Games)
i have had several people attach the weirdness quote to my favorite half and my relationship. they all quoted it as being by dr. seuss.
every site i found it mentioned on either have it as being penned by seuss or anonymous. where did you find it attributed to fulgham?
please, oh please don’t let it be from fulgham.
I’m pretty certain I read it in a Fulghum book. I’ll have to go back and look it up, but I’m almost positive that’s where I got it from. You don’t like him?
we’re both laveyan satanists…
That’s what I thought too.
I’d like to share an adorable quote from “X-files” episode “The Rain King” from season 6:
Well, it seems to me that the best relationships – the ones that last – are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship. You know, one day you look at the person and you see something more than you did the night before. Like a switch has been flicked somewhere. And the person who was just a friend is… suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with. -Dana Scully
This is so true for my fiance and me… we were acquantances and friends for three months before we started dating and fell in love. So far, our relationship has lasted for 9 years…
What no Vonnegut? He’s a little depressing but this is what I used on my wedding invite.. “I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, ‘If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is.” mostly used this because my fiance wouldn’t let me right “so it goes” because he’s not as morbid as I am.
I’m in love with the chorus to “The Flame” by Cheap Trick.
Wherever you go, I’ll be with you
Whatever you want, I’ll give it to you
Whenever you need someone
To lay your heart and head upon.
Remember, after the fire, after all the rain
I will be the flame
I will be the flame
I am such an “unromantic” sometimes, so there is a lot of speechifying that makes me feel fake! I was dreading the readings and stuff, until I realised that we could use Ani DiFranco lyrics, and Firefly lines… thank goodness, I say!
I like Mal’s quote from Serenity, “If I truly wanted someone bad enough, wouldn’t be a thing in the ‘verse that could stop me from going to her”
I love these quotes. It’s hard to find non-cliche ones. My favorite ever is also a Dr. Seuss quote (or, at least I think it is. It’s always so difficult to be sure anymore.) This quote describes my relationship with my partner perfectly.
“We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutual weirdness and call it love.” -Theodor Seuss Geisel
I LOVE the idea of putting love quotes on your wedding favors! How creative… I might have to steal that one 😉
I’d have to say my favorites are from ‘The Princess Bride’ and the
Scrubs quote. But soooooo many good ones here.
I’ve always been a fan of the Albert Einstein love quote – “Gravitation
can not be held responsible for people falling in love.”
Another one of my favorites is by Dr. Seuss…
“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”
I did some research on this quote and it appears to be from a book by Robert Fulghum and not Dr. Seuss. Doesn’t make it any less touching. Fulghum wrote the book All I Really Need to Know, I learned in Kindergarten: Uncommon Thoughts on Common things.
Was so excited to see this post! Have another one to add for anyone who may be a Beat nerd, as I am:
“Darling, you know and I know that everything is straight between us at last beyond the furthest abstract definition in metaphysical terms of any terms you want to specify of sweetly impose or harken back…”
—Dean Moriarty, in Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road”
My wedding vows included “You have my sword…and my bow…and my axe” from LotR. The celebrant said “As a wise man once said, ‘do or do not; there is no try’ before we said our I dos. We also worked in references to Star Wars, Spiderman, and The X Files, as well as a mini-RickRoll.
I was dreading the ceremony too, until we started filling it with awesome 🙂
So, the only quote that really made me teary-eyed was the one from Finding Nemo. “It’s there, I know it is, because when I look at you, I can feel it. And-and I look at you, and I… and I’m home. Please… I don’t want that to go away.” *sniffles*
I am totally in love with these quotes!! I am also planning on including this quote from The Amber Spyglass in my vows… My FH lent me the books while he was abroad. They had been given to him by his recently deceased grandfather and it meant so much to both of us. 5 years later we are getting married and I still feel such a powerful connection to those books!
“I’ll be looking for you, Will, every moment, every single moment. And when we do find each other again, we’ll cling together so tight that nothing and no one’ll ever tear us apart. Every atom of me and every atom of you… We’ll live in birds and flowers and dragonflies and pine trees and in clouds and in those little specks of light you see floating in sunbeams… And when they use our atoms to make new lives, they wont’ just be able to take one, they’ll have to take two, one of you and one of me, we’ll be joined so tight…”
? Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials Trilogy
“True love will triumph over all… Which may or may not be true, but if it is a lie, it is the most beautiful lie we have.” ~John Green
My favourite geeky love quote:
‘”And what would humans be without love?”
RARE, said Death’
from Terry Pratchett’s ‘Sourcery’
LOVE all the rest of the suggestions!
Love is like a friendship caught on fire
Perfect for two as fiery as my man and I are!! I think I’ll stencil this onto homemade burlap bunting for our post-wedding all-invited hooley
“John, I counted myself so plain, so poorly made, no honest love could come to me! Suspicion kissed me when you did; I never knew how I would say my love.
…Forgive me, forgive me, John– I never knew such goodness in the world!”
-Elizabeth Proctor, The Crucible (IV.~210)
Oh lovely, a few I knew and and some new ones. I particularly like the Bridget Jones one, which I remember very well (something about wobbly bits too I think).
Oh man, the first time my guy said “I love you” to me it was in the form of “As you wish.”
We’d been long time friends kept apart by mutual circumstances up ’til then, and it was the closest either of us could come to acknowledging how we felt about one another.
Great post, totally teared up.
“…but how hollow is the sound of victory without someone to share it with. And Honor gives little comfort to a man alone in his home… and in his heart.”
– Martok, to Worf, discussing marriage (DS9: “You Are Cordially Invited”)
I guess I don’t understand why people get upset about liking a quote by someone they don’t 100% agree with in other aspects. I think people from all backgrounds have some good things to say. If I like a quote I don’t care who it’s by. Of course, it is up to you and what makes you comfortable… I’m just saying how I feel.
I’ve been collecting and have a few cool ones to add to the list; my reception tables are going to reveal my inner book nerd. They’ll have the names of some of my favorite writers and quotes to go along with them. Here are a few I love:
“His heart danced upon her movement like a cork upon a tide.” James Joyce
“Marriage was created not to be a background but to need one. Mine is going to be outstanding. It can’t, shan’t be the setting—it’s going to be the performance, and the world shall be the scenery.” F. Scott Fitzgerald
“I see you everywhere, in the stars, in the river, to me you’re everything that exists; the reality of everything.” Virginia Woolf
“She may know a little, may think of herself, face and body, as ‘pretty’… but he could never tell her all the rest, how many other living things, birds, nights smelling of grass and rain, sunlit moments of simple peace, also gather in what she is to him.” Thomas Pynchon
I just want to submit this quote from the British TV show “That Mitchell and Webb Look” that I’m thinking about using in my wedding. There is a great skit (about weddings) to go with this skit if you search YouTube for “mitchell and webb best man” or something like that.
“Two people who are a little bit deluded in each other’s favour. That’s what love is, isn’t it?” – David Mitchell
I used the entire Roy Croft poem as my vows to my hubs. It was beautiful, but not over the top gushy.
Thank you for this great list! I’ve been looking for YEARS the source of the Shall We Dance? quote. Thank you again! <3
A couple of my favorites are:
“Dumbledore watched her fly away, and as her silvery glow faded he turned back to Snape, and his eyes were full of tears.
“After all this time?”
“Always,” said Snape.”
? J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
But I could swear by your expression
That the pain down in your soul
Was the same as the one down in mine.
That’s the pain,
Cuts a straight line
Down through the heart;
We called it love.
-“Origin of Love” Hedwig and the Angry Inch
There are two from Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre :
“I sometimes have a queer feeling with regard to you – especially when you are near me, as now: it is as if I had a string somewhere under my left ribs, tightly and inextricably knotted to a similar string situated in the corresponding quarter of your little frame. And if that boisterous channel, and two hundred miles or so of land some broad between us, I am afraid that cord of communion will be snapt; and then I’ve a nervous notion I should take to bleeding inwardly.”
“I ask you to pass through life at my side—to be my second self, and best earthly companion.”
And two in French, one from a poem by François Villon, the rest of the poem is rather sad (his loved one died) but this verse is just stunning : “Deux étions et n’avions qu’un coeur” which means “we were two and only had one heart.”
The other one is from a comic book, Le combat ordinaire, in which, after struggling with commitment issues, the guy says “Tout… tout est mieux avec toi que sans.” which means “everything is better with you than without you.”
HI ….
Do you remember who in the Shall We Dance? movie said the quote you posted about “We need a witness to our lives. There’s a billion people on this planet …..I mean, what does one life really mean. …. ?”
Thank you for posting these! They are all great!!
Love me some sci-fi, and from a man who truly loved women:
“Work is not an end in itself; there must always be time enough for love.”
? Robert A. Heinlein, Time Enough for Love
“Love is when another persons happiness is essential to your own.”
? Robert A. Heinlein
“May you live as long as you wish and love as long as you live”
? Robert A. Heinlein
“in all my journys of all the world, in my vastly limited view of the unimaginable expanse of the universe with possibilities beyond measure of science and gods. Never did know that the smallest insignifacnt thing in this reality or any other would be graced with such a wonderous gift as that wich you have given me-the gift of knowing ones self so deeply and purely that for once in my life I have found not just love as it is refered to by definition but as it is with inseperable souls-”
My fiance just wrote this –sigh–
had to add this 🙂
Dance me to the end of time – Leonard Cohen
Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic ’til I’m gathered safely in
Lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love
Oh let me see your beauty when the witnesses are gone
Let me feel you moving like they do in Babylon
Show me slowly what I only know the limits of
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the wedding now, dance me on and on
Dance me very tenderly and dance me very long
We’re both of us beneath our love, we’re both of us above
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the children who are asking to be born
Dance me through the curtains that our kisses have outworn
Raise a tent of shelter now, though every thread is torn
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic till I’m gathered safely in
Touch me with your naked hand or touch me with your glove
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love
I am reading your blog for the first time today. I thoroughly enjoyed it! Looking forward to reading much, much more.
Just found your blog. I love this list of quotes! My fiance proposed to me using the “When Harry Met Sally” line.
Very nice collection of quotations, thank you
love it
My husband used the Led Zepplin lyrics and tried to pass them off as his own poem to me over 25 years ago. It makes me smile and we joke about it to this day. I will text one line to him and he will text the next.
THANK YOU by Led Zepplin
If the sun refused to shine
I would still be loving you
When mountains crumble to the sea
There would still be you and me
Kind woman, I give you my all
Kind woman, nothing more
Little drops of rain
Whisper of the pain
Tears of loves lost in the days gone by
Our love is strong
With you there is no wrong
Together we shall go until we die. My, my, my
Inspiration’s what you are to me
Inspiration, look and see
And so today, my world it smiles
Your hand in mine, we walk the miles
Thanks to you it will be done
For you to me are the only one
Happiness, no more be sad
Happiness…. I’m glad
If the sun refused to shine
I would still be loving you
Mountains crumble to the sea
There will still be you and me
I love this collection of quotes, but I would like to point out that the “we are all a little weird…we fall in mutual weirdness and call it love” has always been attributed to Dr. Seuss. Is this not accurate?
P.S. Thank you for providing a site where I feel like I belong. 🙂
“If I became lost in
the multiverse, exploring
infinite parallel dimensions, my
only criterion for settling
down somewhere would be
whether or not I could find you:
and once I did, I’d stay there even
if it was a world ruled by giant spider-
priests, or one where killer
robots won the Civil War, or even
a world where sandwiches
were never invented, because
you’d make it the best
of all possible worlds anyway,
and plus
we could get rich
off inventing sandwiches.”
Part of “Scientific Romance” by Tim Pratt
“LOVE has no reasons, if it has, it is not” — english literature
This one is going on our programs: “For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.” – Carl Sagan ( I always imagine it in his almost Kermit-the-Frog like voice)
Love it. And I also hear it in his goofy voice :]
My personal favorite, we used on our wedding invitations…
“Once in a while,
Right in the middle of an ordinary lifetime,
Love gives us a fairy-tale”
Those are some amazing quotes. Thank you for sharing this with us! This is my favorite quote that has really served me, “There is nothing more important than you feel good.”- Abraham Hicks. I also created a whole video dedicated to love and feeling good. I titled it, “Inspirational Love Quotes”. If you want to check it out, Click Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBcEGRH4ARk If you like it, Share it! Put a smile on someone else’s face too. 🙂
My guy and I just started planning for our wedding (Nov, 2015), but we picked our song a few years ago, a short one called You Ruined Everything by Jonathan Coulton –
“You should know…how great things were before you…even so, they’re better still today….Once my perfect world was gone I knew you ruined everything…in the nicest way”
I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart)I am never without it (anywhere
I go you go,my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing,my darling)
I fear no fate (for you are my fate,my sweet)I want no world (for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart
I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)
E.E. Cummings (from the movie In Her Shoes)
on our favors we used one from Ray Bradbury: May you be in love every day for the next 20,000 days. And out of that love, remake the world.
Thank you!
I was itching to add my own contribution as I read, then there it was! We used “one plus one equals both” in our wedding ceremony. I’m happy others have recognized the beauty in such a tiny sentence. We even have it in a lovely cross stitch. http://instagram.com/p/TPiohMnd4h/
I’m particularly fond of “the whole business of love is to drown in the sea.” from The Intellectuals by Rumi. I used it on the invitations I designed and inked for my closest friend’s upcoming wedding; we’re Rhode Islanders, and very close in heart to the sea, and this makes total sense to us.
The intellectual is always showing off;
The lover is always getting lost.
The intellectual runs away, afraid of drowning;
the whole business of love is to drown in the sea.
Intellectuals plan their repose;
lovers are ashamed to rest.
The lover is always alone, even surrounded with people;
like water and oil, he remains apart.
The man who goes to the trouble
of giving advice to a lover
gets nothing. He’s mocked by passion.
Love is like musk. It attracts attention.
Love is a tree, and lovers are its shade.
how about: “To friends! Life belongs to those we love, and where love reigns is man truly king! Stephen Lawhead or “This bond, this joining, is not meant to be a fetter. A joining is a partnership, not two people becoming one. Two minds cannot fuse, two souls cannot merge, two hearts cannot keep to the same time. If two are foolish enough to try this, one must overwhelm the other, and that is no love, nor is it compassion, nor responsibility. You are two who choose to walk the same path, to bridge the differences between you with love. You must remember and respect those differences and learn to understand them, for they are part of what made you come to love in the first place. You must come to this joining fully ready, fully committed, and fully respectful of one another.”
Mercedes Lackey in Owlsight
I’VE heard a few of these quotes during the speeches , or ceremony. Their amazing . Great list to share with your brides and grooms .
Excellent collection of quotes.
Here’s another one.
“Love is, and when it’s not, it isn’t.” – James Warda
Take care,
I believe the ‘100 years minus one day’ quote was actually written by Joan Powers. She summarized the original quote from “The House at Pooh Corner” – Chapter X, by A. A. Milne.
“Pooh, promise you won’t forget about me, ever. Not even when I’m a hundred.”
Pooh thought for a little. “How old shall I be then?”
Pooh Nodded. “I promise,” he said.
One of my favorites was this one! “”We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.” -Robert Fulghum”
I also like the quote from The Fault in Our Stars that goes “I fell in love like I fell asleep, slowly and then all at once.”
A great list!
Has anyone mentioned this Leonard Nimoy one? Simple & elegant, as I would expect of Spock:
“I love you, not for what I want you to be, but for what you are.” -Leonard Nimoy
I saw this one today, and it is now on the front of our program:
“But when two people are at one in the inmost hearts,
They shatter even the strength of iron or of bronze.
And when two people understand each other in their inmost hearts,
Their words are sweet and strong, like the fragrance of orchids”
– Fifth Line, Yi Jing – I Ching, The Book of Changes
“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” – Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
Used that in my vows, FTW.
These are actually really good quotes!!! Thank you for collecting and sharing with the world 🙂
Does anyone know the context of the Einstein quote? I don’t really…get it. When/where did he say it? Google’s just sending me to pages of quotes.
I’ve often wondered the same thing. According to this site (http://todayinsci.com/E/Einstein_Albert/EinsteinAlbert-LoveQuote500px.htm) the original German was “Sich verlieben ist gar nicht das Dümmste, was der Mensch tut – die Gravitation kann aber nicht dafür verantwortlich gemacht werden.” which was then translated to “Falling in love is not at all the most stupid thing that people do, but gravitation cannot be held responsible for it.”
According to the article, Einstein had jotted this comment in response to a letter in which the correspondent thought “that because of gravity, a person at different places on the spherical Earth would sometimes be upright, sometimes standing on his head, or sticking out at right angles to the earth and even, in the writer’s words, sometimes “at left angles.” At this point, the letter asked if being upside down, standing on their heads, was when people would fall in love and do other foolish things.”
Presumably, over time the quote changed to a more succinct version 🙂
I had seen it like this:
“Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. How on earth can you explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? Put your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with that special girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That’s relativity.” -Albert Einstein
it’s one of my faves 🙂
Another Buffy Quote – Spike to Buffy:
“When I say I love you, it’s not because I want you, or because I can’t have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try. I’ve seen your kindness and your strength. I’ve seen the best and the worst of you and I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. You are a hell of a woman. You’re the one.”
My Marriage Anniversary Messages and Quotes Collection:
That special day is here again
The day we took our vows
You’re just as special to me today
As you still get me aroused.
Happy Anniversary Lover
Our anniversary is not just a celebration of our wedding day. It is the celebration of every day of being married to an awesome guy like you. Happy anniversary.
My life revolves around yours to the extent that your smile brings sunrise, tears bring thunderstorms and laughter brings rainbows. Happy anniversary dear.