Over on our sister site, Offbeat Home & Life, longtime Homie “Faeriereader” is sharing some of her happy marriage habits that came from wedding planning…
We got married because we made a good team. We are good at doing things together; in fact, we enjoy doing things together! Then the wedding planning came along and suddenly “things together” often evolved into “wedding things together.”
Now that the wedding is over, I am no longer constantly thinking, worrying, stressing, planning, organizing, and doing wedding things. It left a noticeable vacuum in my life. And while it's okay to still think about the wedding, feel about the wedding, and even obsess about the wedding, I feel like I'm ready to move on now.
But some of the things my partner and I learned and implemented while planning the wedding are going to carry over into married life.
Here are three good habits my husband and I have carried over from wedding planning to married life…
Wanna see how you can turn some of your wedding planning shenanigans into marital bliss? Read the rest on Offbeat Home & Life. Then weigh in with your own wedding-inspired marital habits!
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