Category Archive


Sometimes we unleash our inner 12-year-old and are all OMG HOLY SHIT AWESOME CLOTHES SQUEE!!! Won’t you join us in this exploration of superficiality? Offbeat Wed’s fashion coverage includes tuxedo alternatives for grooms, clothes for non binary folks, lots of very unique wedding shoes, and more! Be sure to check out our wedding fashion advice posts, too.

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Let me count the ways I love this photo

This shot just showed up in the Offbeat Bride pool, and I just spent 10 minutes studying it like a work of art. Uh, hi. Obsess much? Here’s what caught my eye:

DSC0519 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Adrianna’s incredible steampunk wedding dress

Woweewowowza, check out Offbeat Bride Tribe member Adrianna in her fantabulous steampunk wedding dress. She recently did a photo shoot with photographer, Thomas Doggett at the Illinois Railway Museum and produced some amazing old timey fashion photos. The dress (and the jewelry) was designed by Nancy Wong of Aerisk Fashion. It was Nancy’s first steampunk […]

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Fabulous vintage hairstyle inspiration

If you’re looking for vintage hair ideas, look no further than Offbeat Bride reader, SarahFutureSailor’sWife, and the results of her wedding hair trial… I love this set of photos. Just show it to your hair dresser as an all around view of great vintage, retro, pinup, 40s-style wedding hair and you’re good to go.

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Decoupaged comic book shoes

What you are looking at on the left there are the first ever (that I know of) Transformers decoupage shoes. Offbeat Bride Virginia made these shoes out old ballet flats and her husband’s old comic books from the 1980s.

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“Goth faerie” faux-real

Were you curious to see how Avalon’s bad-ass, “androgynous punk/faerie goth princess” faux-hawk” turned out on the actual day of the wedding?

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Holy pink sneaks Batman!

The Offbeat Bride Flickr pool never disappoints, let me tell ya. I spied these sensational hot pink bejeweled sneaks and went BERSERK! How hott are those?!