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If you’re looking for free wedding printables and wedding DIY tutorials, it’s here. We’ve got everything from wedding decor DIY projects to fashion DIY, and of course DIY wedding favors. But for the love of god, mostly everyone wants wedding invitation DIY — we’ve got it all!

Felt succulents tutorial for all your rustic centerpieces and bouquets as seen on @offbeatbride #felt #fabricflowers #succulents #wedding

A felt succulents tutorial for all your rustic centerpieces, bouquets, and headpieces

Are you into succulents and want them to last forever and ever and ever? I’ve got a DIY project for super easy felt succulents to make into a bouquet, as your centerpiece, and even as a headpiece! Once these felt succulents are made, you can attach them to almost anything for a super fun and rustic vibe. Shall we learn how to make them? Let’s go.

Chocolate signature cocktail as seen on @offbeatbride

Chocolate-fiends: This grasshopper julep could be your chocolate signature cocktail

Hey, chocolate lovers: are you in need of a really good chocolate signature cocktail, or even an idea for a unity cocktail? This grasshopper julep might be your new favorite drink. We just had the Kentucky Derby, so a good, stiff bourbon drink is just what the drink doctor ordered. Hell, maybe just save this recipe for a particularly long crafting night. I won’t judge. I’m probably drinking one right now anyway. Let’s see how to make this mint meets chocolate meets booze delicious monstrosity.

alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Waffles and chill: 14 essential ice cream bar tips

Look, cake is the tits. But sometimes you just want to shake things up and offer up something a little different, dessert-wise. Enter the ice cream bar! Lillian and Jon’s woodland forest wedding meet kitties wedding featured a most nom-worthy gelato bar for which we wanted to climb into the screen. Let’s look at their bar and learn how you can take your ice cream bar game up to 11.

Mirror garland at a wedding as seen on @offbeatbride #ceremony #wedding #decor

DIY Mirror garland brings the pretty shinies to your ceremony

An eagle-eyed reader spotted the mirror garland hanging in the trees behind Matt and Jescia’s outdoor ceremony and demanded to know (okay, truth: politely and graciously asked) if the couple could share their DIY secret. Here’s what Jescia had to say.

How to Design A Wedding Invitation

How to design a wedding invitation (including a personalized logo!)

Before I claimed to be a writer of any kind, my career began as a graphic designer. If you’re also in marketing or design, you’ll enjoy this “how to make a wedding invitation” tale. If you’ve never had a lick of graphic experience in your life, I’m hoping this story gives you an idea of where to start and how to do it yourself.

8365298282 03ce217636 c alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Potluck bouquet: Build a bouquet from flowers that guests bring

Instead of putting the bouquet together herself on her way to meet Martyn, Jess requested that a few loved ones arrive to the wedding with small bouquets of flowers that were special to them. Her sister arranged the many different flowers into one huge bridal bouquet right before Jess walked down the aisle.