Wedding vows: we've seen offbeat couples who chose to write each other's, composed intentions rather than vows, just flat-out wing it at the altar… or simply forget to write them in the first place. But hey, you're in love! It's your day, your way.
Morgan and Kiran – two fanfic writers who had a Jewish wedding where “vows” aren't necessarily traditional – chose to write personal “speeches” to each other (we featured their not-to-be-missed “tea and swordplay” wedding last week). Traditional or not, you'll find plenty to take inspiration from for your wedding!

Morgan's speech:
“Kiran, I am so thankful to have you as a Partner. You inspire me every day. When I first met you, I thought you were the most interesting, impressive person I’d ever had the pleasure of knowing.
Not only were you a fantastic writer and artist, you’d traveled to so many places, done an exceptional amount of charity work, and were well-informed about everything from politics to obscure fandom theories. All I wanted to do was spend more time getting to know you better.
Through our time together, I’ve learned that you’re also incredibly thoughtful, passionate, resilient, and fiercely caring. You’re a fantastic cook, interior decorator, gardener, home repair person, and companion.
I love how much joy you find in every day experiences, whether it’s snuggling the cats, going for a walk, or singing along with the themes to our favorite TV shows.
You’ve reminded me that there’s joy in simply existing, no matter the circumstance.
You’ve brought so much happiness into my life. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. I know it’s going to be amazing, because you’ll be there. I love you.”

Kiran's speech:
“The very first time we met, you told me about how, one day in college, you dragged your friends out to play “X-Files” in the middle of the night – and while pretending to catch aliens, you ended up falling right into a swamp! In that moment, I knew you were my person.
Morgan, you bring a sense of whimsy into our lives every day. I am incredibly lucky to call you my friend, my muse, and my forever partner.
Thank you so much for your joy, for your goofy energy, and your silly dances.
Thank you for loving tea and cats and cookies as much as you do.
Thank you for your unwavering support and steadfast love.
Thank you for every way in which you are just so quintessentially you.
I am incredibly grateful that fate saw fit to lead me to you. I can’t wait for a thousand and one new adventures with you in this grand journey of life.
I love you, forever and always.”

Looking for even more non-traditional wedding vow inspirations? We've got some equally funny and honest words from another couple of writers, a couple who wished to acknowledge both their light and dark selves at the altar, and some heartfelt vows between an Elf and her Ranger (some in actual Elvish)!