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Working tirelessly to bring you stimulating content day after day, the Offbeat Wed editors will not sleep until you've gotten your offbeat fix.
Screen Shot 2013 09 11 at 11.35.52 AM alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How to make Super Mario terrarium centerpieces

Remember these geeky wedding terrariums? A lot of you have been wondering how to make your own geeky terrariums. Thanks to Tribesmaid Momo, here’s a nifty tutorial on how to make a geeky terrarium a la Super Mario…

makeout nook alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Encourage guest-on-guest love with a “Makeout Nook”

We are firm believers that event decor is mostly about creating little experiences for guests. When it comes to weddings, what’s the emotion you most want your guests to experience? Well, it’s LOVE, of course… and love makes us feel like making out. That in mind, we absolutely adore this little “Makeout Nook” that Tribesmaid Steik created for her guests. What a great way to carve out a little loving space!

octopus bouquet alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

EJ & Nathan’s horror movies and octopodes beach wedding

Let me just lay this right here: a tentacle aisle, tentacle bouquets, a pineapple print dress, fold-out fan programs, horror movie centerpieces, and a flesh-eating martian owlopus. You read that right. Oh, and some sage advice meant for a pre-teen that totally applies to all of us. Let us know if you spot the MINGLO, too!

16748638804 4b1849b057 c alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

The unexpected benefits of “getting legalled” before our wedding

The impetus behind our legalling came upon us quite unexpectedly: I became aware of a scholarship available to military spouses. The catch: I wouldn’t become a military spouse until my after the deadline to apply for the scholarship had passed. So we got legalled. As expected, having the ability to now apply for this scholarship is a wonderful thing. But something completely unexpected happened through this experience that I did not anticipate.

9777934432 5347ee8e40 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Our Los Angeles Latino love on a budget wedding

Succulent favors, antiqued gift table, and some last-minute farm tables… it’s a rustc and DIYed wedding! Oh, and don’t forget the homage to the groom’s Mexican heritage. We’re talking Loteria place cards, Mexican blankets, and a taco and margarita bar. We also nominate their adopted shiba mix for the “best dressed wedding dog” award!

5219810448 e512a7772f alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Do a circle dance instead of a receiving line

If you’re looking to avoid the never-ending linear hugs of ye olde receiving line, you could borrow a page from Melanie and John, who did a Sufi Dance. Why do a receiving line, when you can do a circle dance with your guests?