A lover’s time capsule: add a wine box ceremony to your wedding (with script)

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wine box ceremony script
Photography by Jess Glass

wine box ceremony (also know as a unity box, and different from boxed wine) at a wedding ceremony is a unique way for couples to mark the occasion – they often hold letters the couple wrote to each other, a bottle of wine, and two glasses, meant to be opened on a special anniversary. Typically, the ritual occurs after the vows are spoken, with the box in view nearby. While you can certainly add more or different items of significance – check out some fun substitutions – below is the wine box wedding ceremony script this couple used for their wedding. Personalize it to fit your own intentions, or use it as is!


[Member of wedding party hands the couple their respective letters (written to each other and sealed), sets down the wine box, and places the chosen wine inside.]

Officiant: Prior to today, you have written letters to each other to be opened 5 years from now. You will seal these letters in this box along with a bottle of wine gifted to you from the year you fell in love. In 5 years, you will open the box, read these letters to one another, and enjoy this wine as you look back on the journey that you are now about to begin.

As you read your vows to one another, place your letter to your partner in the box.

[The couple takes turns reading their vows, and placing their respective letters in the box.]

Officiant: May you look back on today in five years and see your commitment to have aged as gracefully as fine wine. May you break bread together often and drink deeply of your new life together.

Please seal the box.

[Member of the wedding party seals the box and removes it from the table, and replaces it with two filled wine carafes.]
[Another member of the wedding party hands the couple wine glasses.]

To symbolize the blending of their lives in a way fitting of the couple, [names of couple] will now perform a unity wine ceremony. [Officiant requests that one member of the couple pour wine into their glass.]

Life has many bright and happy experiences, of which this sweet wine is a token. It symbolizes the bright flavors of love – the joy, wonder, and contentment you will share together. [Officiant requests that other member of the couple pour wine into their glass.]

When hardship and sorrow and disappointment come, of which this bitter wine is a token, may you care enough to help one another with courage and compassion, neither one blaming the other for folly or failure. It symbolizes the struggles you have gone through and are yet to know.

Each of you holds a unique sweetness and unique bitterness. As you each take a sip from your respective glass, you recognize and accept the unique flavor that is the sweetness or bitterness of yourself. [Couple sips from their respective glasses.]

Now switch glasses. With this sip, you recognize and accept the unique flavor that is the sweetness or bitterness of your partner. [Couple switch glasses and sip.]

Now combine your cups. [One member of the couple pours their wine into the glass of the other.]

This cup is now a sign of your unity – it symbolizes the sum of your life experiences. You have chosen to unite your lives and to seek your happiness together. You drink from the same cup to be reminded that you will share pain and pleasure, struggle and hope.

As you drink deeply from this cup you accept the commitment to draw from your marriage all that you need to together endure the bitter flavors of life and to savor the sweet flavors you will experience on your journey together.

Drink now, and may the cup of your lives be full to overflowing. [One member of the couple drinks half of the glass, the other finishes the rest.]

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