Tribesmaid Dandido and her chuffed groom are just too damned cute. I love the little thumbs up. There's more groom wackiness, a mohawk fishtail hairstyle, a lightsaber bouquet, and a hirsute flower girl. It's kind of a wacky week here in the land of reader submissions, and I for one am all for it. Here's what bubbled up to the top of the Tribe, the Flickr Pool, and Pinterest in this week's Monday Montage.

Holly and Kate’s May the Fourth Star Wars wedding had DIY Star Wars decor, lightsabers for every guest, and themed costumes galore. It was a... Read more
Click these rad-ass Clicky Links:
- What we've pinned this week: a rainbow bracelet cuff an amazing vintage 1910 dress, and robot lollipop favors.
- Offbeat Home is talking about blending different groups of people in one party… sound familiar?
- Zombies Wearing Helmets shared a SUPER COOL tutorial for making kitschy rhinestone flamingos. This needs to show up in someone's wedding soon.
- I love this WikiHow tutorial for making your own temporary tattoos. It could be cool if you wanted to make a little handmade body art.
- Find us on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Flickr!
Want to see yourself in our Monday Montage? Submit your photos to the Offbeat Bride Flickr Pool. (Oh, and don't forget to credit your photographer!)
Awesome to see my friend Leah (Zombies wearing helmets) linked to!
OMG, Jessica’s dress looks so amazing! I hope we get to see that whole wedding!
Also, I’ve never really been one for mohawks of any kind, but Kzimmerwoman’s picture is honest-to-goodness awesome and beautiful at the same time, and I love it!
OH, that blingy flamingo (flablingo?) definitely has a place in my life. Can’t wait to get on making a full battalion of ’em.
That’s pretty much how I feel about it too!
Flablingo is my new favourite word.
That mohawk hair looks SO cool! I really love the texture of it! Also, bagpipes are love.
Love the lightsabers bouquet! Especially since its pretty similar to whaty bridesmaids and I will be carrying in a few weeks. Glad I’m not the only crazy person who thought that a lightsabers hilt was so much cooler than a bouquet wrap. Haha
I LOVE that picture of us right after the ceremony, strutting with our parasols! The photographer really captured the joy we were both feeling!
LOVE the mohawk hair!
Love how pretty Jessica looks and how in love they look. Really captured a moment. Awesome.
Love the guestbook.
Love it all!
Nice IT Crowd Reference! It definitely made me LOL!
The first rule of Street Countdown: tell everyone about Street Countdown!
Someone please tell me how or what they used lightsaber flower wrap!