The offbeat bride: Nadia, Web Designer
Her offbeat partner: Dale, Programmer
Date and location of wedding: Cedar Creek Estate Tamborine Mountain, Queensland — August 15, 2010
What made our wedding offbeat: We had a full Star Wars-themed wedding. The 501st legion acted as a guard of honour and raised $1000 for the Starlight Children's Foundation. I bought an R2-D2 projector that acted as ring bearer, we had a Jabba the Hutt wedding cake, I painted planets from the Star Wars Galaxy for all the tables, and all the guests dressed up in Star Wars attire.

Tell us about the ceremony: Every entrance was matched to John Williams' score. The stormtroopers entered to Darth Vader's theme, along with Dale's dad as celebrant, then Dale entered to the Throne Room score at the end of Episode IV.
The Princess Leia flower girls and my handmaiden of honour entered to the pretty Across the Stars love theme while I entered the chapel with my dad in a Jedi costume (and the beard he grew for the wedding) at the musical climax of the love theme. It was all timed really well and just tons of fun.

My favorite moment: My favorite moment was my dad reading my sister's speech. She couldn't attend, but the speech was really lovely. I also loved Dale's speech to me since it was off-the-cuff and funny. Everything was stress-free.

My funniest moment: R2-D2 coming down the aisle. It has this issue where it screams every metre or so, so it would move a little way up the aisle, scream, then move a bit closer. Beats a small child any day.

Was there anything you were sure was going to be a total disaster that unexpectedly turned out great? I thought the guests might not dress up, but almost everyone came in crazy costumes that were really surprising and funny. My second cousin came as a male Princess Leia and that was one of the great photo moments.

My advice for offbeat brides: Pay attention to the details, and if your partner has a crazy idea like having stormtroopers line up along the back of the church, go with it.

Care to share a few vendor/shopping links?
I love this. Not only is it fun and theme-delicious, but it’s absolutely elegant.
HOLY CRAP!!!! Jawas and Chewbacca? Pics in a CAVE? Lightsabers everywhere? This whole thing rocks so.damn.hard!!!! This was one awesome wedding…oh, and PS, you are one GORGEOUS bride. I’m in awe. I bow down to your awesomeness!
aw shucks, thanks 😀
That’s no cave!
Someone had to say it, okay?
OMG! I am in love with your wedding! If my FH loved Star Wars as much as I do we would do the same thing!!! Kudos to you guys! Your wedding looks AMAZING!!!!
ha! i’m crystal. and i thought the exact thing!!
your dress and hair mayes me hyperventilate. what an amazing and fun wedding!!!!! aak!!
Everything about this is cool but I have to say, I ADORE your hair! Soooo pretty!
WOW amazing!
Fabulous! This is what I was too scared to do. I LOVE IT!
Your dress looks fabulous too!
LOL I love this wedding! Very well done. 🙂
First off. Love this wedding.
Second, did anyone else read Starlight Children and think of Jem and the Holograms?
We are doing a Halloween Costume Wedding with the Bridal Party being Star Wars (Ep. II, anakin and padme’s first kiss). This is very inspiring! We like the Jawas so much, we’re going to make our ring bearer and flower girl little Jawas!
P.S. Did you get your Sabers from UltraSabers or elsewhere? Please share!
From Thinkgeek fx lightsabers.
We also got the yoda backpack my mum had from there.
OMFG, this is amazing. Perfect blend of gorgeous, classy, and fun. And how awesome that you were able to use your wedding to raise money for charity! I love it.
I’m so in love with this <3
And OMFG your cape… AMAZEBALLS.
Well done, you, and congratulations!
amazing photos, beautiful wedding. Now that’s a wedding that’ll be remembered for a long time!
I absolutely love your wedding!! It amazing and the photos in the cave are the best! Congrats!!
That’s why we chose the location, the cave seemed perfect 🙂
Holy cow! That’s phenomenal! I love how perfect everyone’s outfits are!!! Such a beautiful couple too! Congrats! Thank you so much for sharing! Complete Star Wars nerd here. <3
The most perfect wedding in the world!!
This is a very BEAUTIFULLY done Star Wars Wedding! Congrats to you guys! I’m super jelly at the moment! 🙂 I can only hope our LOTR themed Ceremony can be just as wonderful. As you said, its all in the details.
We also love LOTR, how awesome for a wedding 🙂
this is epic on a scale i can’t even express. awesomely done.
This wedding made me feint from its overwelming awesomeness
Everything looks great I love all the lightsabers you have!
You even look a little like Leia.
What an absolutely gorgeous dress!
So first of all, I just decided to finally drink the bottle of wine I bought at Cedar Creek Estate when I visited Australia and spent a day on Tamborine Mountain in 2006. Which is really odd timing. More importantly, this is absolutely amazing in every way and my husband’s favorite featured wedding, ever.
Your dude-Leia pretty much made my day: this looks like one of the most fun weddings ever! Congrats!
this is so epic!! I love this probably entirely too much! CONGRATS on an AWESOME happy day!
I might just have to steal your R2D2 ring-bearer idea, cuz my guy really, really wants a monkey in a Jedi cloak to be our ring-bearer, but I just don’t know how it would work. But R2 . . . . 🙂
A monkey sounds amazing! Dooo it
A Fricken Mazing!! LOVE IT!!
Forgot to mention that wedding dream services also did the hair and makeup. They were awesome 🙂
Awesome Stars Wars wedding. I love the R2D2 ring bearer. Geek weedings are the best!
THAT DRESS ARE YOU F*CKING KIDDING ME!?! I swooned, I died, I came back from the hospital and left this comment. It’s incredible.
See this is what weddings need nowadays, originality. I wish everyone was as open minded as your family and his, everything not only looks awesome but it looks ELEGANT as well. Great job and may your marriage be as awesome as your wedding. 😀
That is absolutely amazing! I would LOVE to walk down the aisle to the Imperial Death March. I couldn’t contain my giddiness when I read this,and had to show this to the GameCrush Sith Lord GCLily. She’s decided she wants a dark side wedding!
I am in love. Your wedding is *so* amazing. I love the guest’s costumes, and all the little geeky touches are brilliant. (No alderan, hah.) Your dress and hair and cape are probably my favorites, though. You look like you stepped straight out of a story! (Or a movie, as the case may be. 😉 ) Gorgeous. Congratulations; geek weddings ftw!
First of all, AMAZING wedding. Everything is so wonderful. As they say, the devil is in the details. So with that in mind…
Was I REALLY the only one on here who noticed the absence of Alderaan, yet the name card NOT absent. That one LITERALLY made me snort and laugh. Well done!
Where did you get all the Stormtrooper armour? Are you members of the 501st Legion?
Wow, very beautiful and TASTEFUL wedding! You made it look so elegant and not so “costumy”. That is amazing! I think my husband and I would’ve LOVED to do something like this, but I don’t think that our families would play along enough for it to go over well haha.
I love this! Talk about fun!!
FAB, love the bridesmaids and jawa’s dancing.
I know this is a bit late, but I HAVE to know where the groom got his Anakin outfit? The only quality one that I can find is $1,300!
It’s only $160 USD here.
I’m not a weddings guy. I’ve been to three and didn’t really care for them, but I didn’t know the people very well. I would pay ridiculous sums of money to attend your wedding. Also, I only found two pictures with him, there is a man wearing a red-shirt star trek uniform. The other thing that astounded me was that the man who was performing the ceremony, be he priest or other religious figure (or cult leader), was dressed as an officer of the empire. Awesome.
Where did you get your dress and cape from i have been looking everywhere for something similar? is it custom made it is beautiful 🙂 xx
it was custom made by a friend’s sister, Linda [email protected] (in Australia…)
Where did that amazing dress come from???
What happened to the shares on most pages?