At Danielle & Nathan's Halloween wedding, they found a gorgeous and meaningful way to honor the guests who weren't able to be with them on their wedding day. Check out their Memory Tree:
We couldn't have everyone we wanted attend, so we did a Memory Tree. We sent out cards to those who could not attend and had them send them back with a wish, piece of advice, story, or blessing. We added them to the tree on our altar. We also added names of people who passed away.
Danielle is on the Offbeat Bride Tribe as arcticfox if you want to find her over there, and you can see more stunning photos from her Halloween wedding on Flickr.
This is a great idea! Do you have or can you post a blog about how to still have a wedding even if one side of the family is not in approval of marrying your love? They say they will not attend. Love conquers all right? How do you go about proceeding with a wedding? Thanks!
Hey, that’s me! Thanks, Eloquent. I say just because one side doesn’t approve shouldn’t stop you if you love your partner. If their blessing is important then it may need to be worked on, but your questions sounds like logistics, or is it how do you emotionally go on? Logistically, nothing will stop you if one side doesn’t approve you can still get married no matter how many people are there. Lots of people just get married with the two of them and an officiant, so no worries there. Emotionally, focus on the positive. Focus on the people who ARE supportive and try to let go of the ones who aren’t. If they love you they will come around, just give them time. That’s my opinion. It’s worth what you paid for it. Good luck!
Hey arcticfox! I love this idea! Where did your awesome tree come from?
It’s called a manzanita tree. I got it here. http://www.efavormart.com/36-vogue-manzanita-centerpiece-tree-potted-natural.aspx
It’s fake, and adjustable so you can move the branches any way you want. They also had different colors. 🙂
My sister-in-law makes these trees too, and did one for my wedding!
Thanks for the encouragement Arcticfox! I hope they come around too. It is just hard when it is your own (my) mom and dad. I am mentally preparing myself that I may have to walk down the aisle alone. His side adores me and have threatened to hurt him if he lets me go (hahah!).
You’re welcome!
My future groom will love this idea. He’s been looking for some way to honor his late grandmother on his dad’s side for quite some time. I would like to honor some of my own deceased relatives as well.
I can’t express how much I love this idea. My mother, who has passed was very fond of trees. My fiancé and I are planning on planting a tree at our reception (the actual ceremony will be very small and out of town, so it is important to me that my side of the family is able to witness SOME sort of union).
However, my mother always decorated Christmas, Easter, and Halloween trees when I was a child. This idea will not only commemorate many passed loved ones, but one of the most important women in my life.
I love this idea! I hate to ask but what was typed on the cards when you sent them?