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wedding planning

How honest should I be with acquaintances about wedding planning?

How honest should I be with acquaintances about wedding planning?

This morning a coworker of mine with whom I am friendly but don’t see very often bustled over to me to ask about the wedding. So I told her how I was really feeling, and I got the impression that just wasn’t what she wanted to hear. How do you handle wedding planning oversharing with coworkers and acquaintances?

Download your wedding guestlist planner from @offbeatbride #weddingplanning #guestlist

Planning tools 101: wedding guest seating chart planner

We launched a comprehensive and totally customizable document of wedding planning spreadsheets if you’re the type to get down with spreadsheets like I am. Now we’re sharing the wedding guest seating chart planner to help you herd cats to their seats like a pro.

Let’s get these guest tables organized!

Doing good while celebrating: wedding charity ideas to support your favorite causes

Doing good while getting wed: wedding charity ideas to support your favorite causes

“In lieu of a gift registry, what are some of the options/ideas to ask people to give to charity? My partner and I met volunteering and are passionate about that particular organization and some others. We’d love to get others on board with helping support these places but are wondering how to do that.” Boy do we have ideas for you! From donations to charitable registries, there are lots of ways to give back. Here’s a roundup of charity wedding ideas…

7 quirky wedding ideas (like a Winston Churchill theme) I didn't get to use, but YOU can

7 quirky wedding ideas (like a Winston Churchill theme) I didn’t get to use, but YOU can

The week before my wedding, I had a bit of a freak out (familiar to anyone else?). I realized that my wedding seemed really… serious. And I was not comfortable being serious about an important life moment while a bunch of people were staring at me.

In order to feel more comfortable during my own wedding, I came up with a variety of coping mechanisms. Due to poor planning (and some resistance from relatives), I just barely missed executing many of these ideas. Here they are, my gift to you…

Wedding pirates: making peace when a friend steals your wedding ideas

Wedding pirates: making peace when a friend steals your wedding ideas

Wedding planning is hard, you guys. This we know. You’re inundated with ideas, traditions, must-haves, how-tos, and a general sense of “whatthefuckdidigetinto.” So you start to panic. You search Pinterest or Offbeat Bride or wherever to figure out how to plan this hugh jass party you’ve never planned before. But wait, you know something. You’ve been to weddings. You’ve been to friends’ weddings. And that’s where kernals of ideas start to happen. Is it a slippery slope to “stealing” ideas from friends? Yep. And if you’re the friend with the ideas, you may not like it. Not when you’ve carefully crafted your aesthetic and DIY projects and authentic-to-you ideas. Here’s how to deal when you feel that a friend has stolen your wedding ideas…

A wedding postmortem: what I'd change about our wedding

A wedding postmortem: what I’d change about our wedding

After a wedding is over “they” say to remember the good and forget the bad. There’s no point harping about things that went wrong because there’s no way to change them. However, with the benefit of hindsight, there are some things that I would do differently that might benefit you to know…