Category Archive

photo booth

Everything from wedding photo booth rental, to how to DIY a photo booth, to photo booth apps and props… SAY CHEESE!

fdgfgg 052212 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Meagan & Simon’s Mad Hatter tea party wedding

Fabric and button flowers, overflowing tea cups, The Red Queen’s croquet, and some adorable hats — it can only be an Alice in Wonderland-themed wedding! Add in the epic food fight and you’re in for hilarity. Watch out for Alice though — she’s got her eye on your cake.

6654905339 fb3c38b727 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Mary & Charles’ crafty roller derby tiki wedding

This destination wedding brings a reluctant to fly Midwest family to San Diego for a tiki-meets-roller derby party with cool DIY details like crocheted bouquets. Things get pretty crazy at the reception with an order to drink more booze and a lady in a chicken hat. It also takes a pretty cool bride to admit her mistake in her advice to other Offbeat Brides.

jkhdfgg 051512 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Pink boots, mustache flasks, and one killer comic save-the-date

Tribe member Deloreangrrl’s groom and his friend made this save-the-date comic strip from an old Batman comic for their Alice in Wonderland-themed wedding. And these were emailed to save on postage and to be kind to the earth. This, among many other excellent photos of boots, kilts, flasks, dresses, awesome ink, and a circus tent piñata, came from our reader submissions. I love it when the Tribe, the Offbeat Flickr Pool, and the Offbeat Bride Pinterest account come though for us with this kind of eye candy.

yusdnfdd 050812 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Teena & Eddie’s colorful renaissance handfasting in the round

A fabulous red renaissance dress, kilts all around, a squee-worthy mushroom cake, and a dragon ring bearer — it can only mean the cutest little wedding in the round you ever did see. And if you’re unsure of how to include your guests in the ceremony, you’ll want to see how this bride created her bouquet! Oh, and watch out for surprise flying birdseed.

sdfkl 050912 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Trisha & Matthew’s lots of DIY colorful wedding

I think if I were to hire a bride to make my own DIY details, this would be the one. She made awesome paper flowers and a rolled magazine page card box, but the most amazing contributions were the FABULOUS bridesmaid dresses and homemade cake — all of which look professional. This bride and her helpers have major talent. On top of it all, this pair is so damned cute that I will call them Squishies and they will be my Squishies.

7044825141 c052c575ea alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Dina & Travis’ Bruce Campbell-loving ’90s mohawked wedding

Bruce Campbell movie poster centerpieces, a fabulously retro laser photo backdrop, ’90s alternative rock, and the groom’s epic four-inch mohawk (and accompanying MOHAWK WIGS) — these people know how to do ’90s retro right! Add in their Azkaban place cards, Time Warp dance, and dad’s serenade, and I’m hooked. You will be too.