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sdfsdfds alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Megan & Joe’s relaxed daytime wedding with a hug line

This wedding is all about learning experiences: you don’t need fancy “yay” flags when simple ones bring as much fun, dads are sometimes more mushy-gushy than they let on (see the flashing baby photos for proof!), and sometimes a daytime wedding with fabulous food (drooool potatoes) is totally the way to go. Plus: learn what the hell a “hug line” is and how you can get one, too!

8446014769 7f40801977 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Elizabeth & Joshua’s “spring in winter” orange grove wedding

Orange groves, bee details, and pastel hues: it’s the stuff of miracles when snow covers many of us. This wedding also boasts a fabulous handmade dress, potluck food (AND potluck performances!), a tree planting ceremony, and adorable wedding party fashion. So much sweetness, so little time.

fdgdfgfddf 110312 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Kara & Gary’s fantasy fairy tale heavy metal wedding

Some girls dream of their fairy tale wedding and some girls take that pretty literally, as is the case with this bride’s fantasy fairy tale-themed wedding. Elf ears, Shrek costumes, fabulous hoods and capes, and a sign pointing to all your favorite fantasy haunts. And you’ll never guess why the groom spent so much time under the bride’s dress during the garter toss.

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Anne & Stew’s happy hippie hoedown cross-country wedding

This pair had a sweet, tiny redwood forest elopement, but it didn’t end there. They then went on an cross-country party marathon with all of their family and friends in New Jersey, NYC, Texas, and California! Think Austin hokey-tonk bar, Jewish deli catering, a Deadhead-inspired barn dance, and a special guest: Mel the CAMEL. You have to see it to believe it.

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Katy & Aytan’s potluck picnic wedding in the park

I just love simple and sweet weddings filled with love and no pretension. Give me a potluck in the park with the nearest and dearest and I’m sold. This wedding has that and a whole lot of sweetness between the couple. Just don’t accuse the groom of crying — it was obviously just his hair gel getting in his eyes.

fghh 062612 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Kate & Alex’s sci-fi/fantasy nerd mash-up weddingCon

I’m a nerd. You or someone you love might be a nerd. If so, this is your wedding paradise. It’s a nerd-splosion of pop culture and every geek-loving reference you can imagine. Their vows are practically a word puzzle to see how many references you can count. These two cuties are authentic to their shared loves and it’s easy to get on the love bandwagon with them.