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multi-colored dress

We love colorful wedding dresses — especially multi-colored wedding dresses! You may also want to check out our archive of colorful weddings and of course our RAINBOW WEDDINGS!

9908561255 c2c13a03f9 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Emma & Brian’s geeky rainy love fest wedding

This wedding is such a testament to budget weddings and their ability to be completely awesome without lots of bells and whistles. But three things they definitely found room for were their three geek-tastic cakes: Star Wars, Star Trek, and Doctor Who. You’ll also never guess how one of the bride’s brothers found a way to be present without actually being able to attend. Plus, we dare you to find ALL the geeky and bookish references in their epic, communal ceremony reading. So many references!

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Baily & Martyn’s DIY rock ‘n’ roll Halloween wedding

If the costumes, kick-ass handmade dress, and three-legged dog dressed as the Black Knight (sans leg, natch) don’t get you, the paper doll-inspired invitation will. And if even that doesn’t get you, the officiant holding “Weddings for Dummies” will. And if THAT doesn’t get you, just wait until you see the band dressed as brides and the slow-dancing Jay and Silent Bob. It’s a smorgasbord of amazingness over here.

octopus bouquet alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

EJ & Nathan’s horror movies and octopodes beach wedding

Let me just lay this right here: a tentacle aisle, tentacle bouquets, a pineapple print dress, fold-out fan programs, horror movie centerpieces, and a flesh-eating martian owlopus. You read that right. Oh, and some sage advice meant for a pre-teen that totally applies to all of us. Let us know if you spot the MINGLO, too!

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Lauren & Marco’s offbeat lite Filipino American wedding

This pair wanted to mix some traditions with offbeat ways. So get ready for traditional Filipino food, invitations, barongs, and 35 sponsors! They also opted for a Unitarian ceremony, which presented its own challenge for the bride’s Catholic family. You’ll definitely want to heed her advice when it comes to that. So head in and ogle the gorgeous Wai-Ching and Unique Vintage dresses, the purple glow-y tent, and the choreographed first dance story.

Blanks Staley Meo Baaklini Photography jordanandphilalbanywedding1 low alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

A rainbow fairy dress that fulfills all your childhood dress-up dreams

After rejecting the idea of a big wedding, Jordan and Philip decided to elope to one of their favorite places, The Albany Bulb. The area is a great mix of urban and nature: ocean, city landscape, fields, trees, bird sanctuary, dog run, and innovative art. But it’s really hard not to focus on the pair’s crazy awesome fashion! With Philip’s dapper suit and glasses and Jordan’s rainbow fairy dress, these two sparkle brighter than their sunny wedding day.

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Morgan & Matt’s robot love fest wedding

Robots and aliens have invaded weddings this week! It’s making me want to break it down in a binary solo. This couple had all their guests bring something robo-related, including a mini mechanical baby! And barring one robot mishap at the ceremony, it was a total success. Even some YOLOing teenagers couldn’t hamper the awesomeness.