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Although we’re published in the US, we’ve featured weddings in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and more!

4693952703 c3b9706cfa alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Keren & Sean’s nerdy self-guided WWII tour of France honeymoon

My now husband and I started dating after a long conversation about our shared love of history, specifically WWII history. Yes, we are history nerds. We decided to delay our honeymoon so that it overlapped with the anniversary of the DDay landing. We ended up flying to Europe in May 2010, seven months after our wedding.

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Robots and ivy at this pagan handfasting wedding

These two love robots, so they included lots of robot-y references in their Pagan handfasting. Sounds like a perfect combination to me. Add in the custom-made purple silk gown and ivy headband and you’ll get sucked in. Plus, they had a choreographed first dance which looked like a hoot and a half.

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Lucy & Dan’s vintage vegan Buddhist wedding

This couple collected vintage plates and tablecloths to adorn a sweet little village hall, did a whole lot of DIY, and created a really cool earthy feel. Add in their Buddhist ceremony, vegan reception, and “Who’s Who” board (with baby photos of everyone!), and it’s a personalized party with panache.

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Lotte & David’s games and dance DIY fête of love

Having a bad day? This wedding just might be the pick-me-up you need. With joyous dancing, lawn games, dinosaur puppets, choir singers, and a lots of choreographed dancing, I challenge you to keep a grin off of your face. Go on, try it. I dares ya!

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Helen & Julian’s English country garden wedding

Lots and lots of pink, a country church and school, and an English country guest house… all planned from across the world in Dubai. But these two are English at heart and brought the party to the family. Feast your eyes on the Union Jack shoes, pink accents, and sword cake cutting, too!

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Clare & John’s colourful informal mega-DIYed wedding

DIYing some details is one thing, but this couple self-catered, had all DIY decor, and the bride made and embroidered her own gown. Plus, the groom actually composed and recorded the ceremony music himself! Add in their multicolored theme with the goal of an informal food and games afternoon, and you’re in for a treat.