Category Archive


Although we’re published in the US, we’ve featured weddings in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and more!

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Olivia & Lawson’s Old Town Prague wedding that almost wasn’t

You’d think that eloping would make things less stressful. But when airlines cancel two flights due to a giant snowstorm, getting to Prague isn’t exactly the easier option. But this couple persevered, didn’t kill each other, and met their family at their favorite destination, Czech Republic, for the elopement of their dreams.

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Major fashion color and a fair bit of winter

The Offbeat Flickr Pool was a rainbow of amazing dress colors for brides and their crew. Plus there are a few Christmas-y, snow-y photos to get you in the mood. Check out the colors of all seasons in this Monday Montage.

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Maria & Daniel’s snowed-in gothic burlesque wedding

When you’re gamers, metalheads, and all-around cool people, you can make an equally cool wedding with gothic details, a lovely black gown, and burlesque performers. But this pair also had to deal with mountains of snow keeping their guests trapped at home! Good thing they knew how to live stream it all from their laptop. Technology saves the day!

bridespaint nl alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Superficial snack: a different kind of body art

After featuring Lenny’s bridespaint at her wedding in the Netherlands, I had to investigate to see if this was becoming a THING. It’s amazing and I want to see more! But so far I’ve only seen this particular brand of body art in Europe. Take a look at a couple of examples in this week’s Superficial Snack.

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Laura & Daniel’s Pagan archery and knitting wedding

These nature-loving Pagans were handfasted years ago, but they knew it was time to get it recognized. With archery influences and an amazing knitted bouquet, buttonholes, and even the cake topper, this wedding is a sight to see. Side note: hiring a photographer might have been the best move they made based on these gorgeous park shots.

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Fee & Fred’s red, white, and black samba wedding

Two people are drawn together by samba and the result is a music and dance-filled soiree worthy of the name. Their smiles are infectious and almost every picture is full of what can only be described as joy. Check out the event that had these two dancing up and down the aisles and into the reception, where feather-clad dancers joined them.