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We know that your vow to help save the planet is one of the most important vows you’ve ever made… until this second vow thing entered the picture. Learn how to combine your wedding day and your eco-ethics!

4144067523 e3e902c5a9 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Kristen & Charlie’s farmyard, bluegrass, eco, afternoon affair

On day four of farm week, we find ourselves headed to Siler City, North Carolina, where Charlie and Kristen had quite the afternoon affair at Celebrity Dairy Goat Farm. Their day was filled with lawn games, a petting zoo, a photo booth, and more!

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Lauren & Simon’s Llama-Fest handmade vegetarian wedding

Allow me to introduce you to the wedding that spawned this week’s theme — FARM WEDDINGS! Lauren and Simon had a llama themed wedding on an actual llama farm. Yes, it’s as awesome as it sounds.

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15 ways to throw an *affordable* eco-friendly wedding

Eco-friendly wedding products too frequently = ZOMG ‘SPENSIVE. But we’ve got 15 ways to save the Earth on the cheap.

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Brenda & Rob’s sci-fi, eco wedding with a Tardis

As someone who often puts together bride profiles while watching marathons of Doctor Who, Brenda and Rob’s sci-fi tv show-themed, eco friendly wedding with a Tardis really made me happy. Also it’s a first for “costumed wedding cat” that I know of!

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Jaye & Jeremy’s eco-friendly, dessert & cocktail wedding

The offbeat bride: Jaye, musician and event planner Her offbeat partner: Jeremy, scientist (stem cell research) Location & date of wedding: Rumball Manor at the Rumball Centre for the Deaf in Toronto, ON Canada — October 5, 2007 What made our wedding offbeat: I had my wedding dress made in green silk and the groom […]

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Nicole & Kyle’s eco-minimal, Toronto Zoo wedding

The offbeat bride: Nicole, Biologist (and OBT member) Her offbeat partner: Kyle, Biologist Location & date of wedding: Africa Picnic Site and Atrium at the Toronto Zoo, in Toronto, Ontario — September 12, 2009 What made our wedding offbeat: My biggest goal was to reduce the environmental impact of our wedding, since that’s something we […]