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This our archive of DIY weddings. If you’re looking for free wedding printables and wedding DIY tutorials, we can do that too. We’ve got everything from wedding decor DIY projects to fashion DIY, and of course DIY wedding favors. But for the love of god, mostly everyone wants wedding invitation DIY — we’ve got it all!

7418262864 ec36b039fd b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Itty bitty heart wedding decor gives up your secrets

Michelle wrote down hundreds (thousands? Girl, I don’t even know) of little-known facts about herself and Chris on the cutest little 3D paper hearts. As you can see in the photo, these are gorgeous, tiny ickle decorative bits to strew around your reception tables. But, in addition to looking rad, they can keep guests young and old occupied with all the little facts they never knew about you both.

printable food allergy labels on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Printable food allergy labels for your wedding catering: download in TWO styles

Chances are if you’re offering food at your wedding, you’re already thinking about potential allergy and dietary issues. We all either have our own dietary needs and/or know someone who eats vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, or otherwise. How much of a load off would it be for your special diet guests to see these helpful free printable food allergy and dietary labels on the table? No need to guess at what’s in the recipe or eat that protein bar in their bag instead.

dinosaur jar centerpiece DIY

Dinosaurs and pickles combine in this ultra easy centerpiece DIY project

When you go through as many pickles as I do, you end up with a ton of empty glass jars. These come in super handy for crafting up some DIYed centerpieces, so I decided to convert my handy dandy dry goods pickle jar upcycle into a super easy, dino-tastic centerpiece idea. Here’s the surprisingly easy method for whipping these bad boys up in just a few minutes.

12733200865 3742eaa16d h alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Use floral-infused ice blocks instead of bags of ice

What you’re looking at are the prettiest blocks of ice ever. They’re the best thing for all your wedding ice needs. Offbeat Bride Maria explained how they were (surprisingly) affordably made…

Cthulhu clay alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Lovecraft wedding Cthulhu cake toppers

For a long time my husband and I have been talking about wanting to have Cthulhu cake toppers for the wedding (he is really into H.P. Lovecraft. So I did my best to make Cthulhu cake toppers, and I thought they turned out okay! Here’s how I made them…

beauty and the beast centerpiece lanterns alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How to make your own faux-stained-glass lantern centerpieces

Stained-glass is romantic. Seeing it used for story-telling, as in Beauty and the Beast, makes me swoon. Since our wedding was all about stories that moved us, I knew that I wanted stained-glass artwork to factor into our centerpieces. What I didn’t know was the first thing about stained-glass.