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From San Diego weddings to Los Angeles weddings to San Francisco weddings, California is one of our largest and most epic states for offbeat weddings.

dss alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

This theatrical Halloween wedding slays with its dark glamour

Monique and Danika worked with some of California’s most skilled designers to create this masterpiece of a theatrical Halloween wedding. From the headdress to the table decor, the skulls and skeletons of creatures adorned everything. Danika’s custom dress was handmade by the killer [heart link=""]Dark Garden Unique Corsetry[/heart] and is a work of art. Their ceremony may have been sweet and simple with just the two of them and their officiant, but the reception was another story. Every guest showed up in elaborate costumes to watch the spectacular burlesque show. It’s time to see the whole thing in all its glory.

25266194951 7284efa9d7 c alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

A queer bourbon and beer bacchanal: it’s fab drunken gay glamour

The title alone is enough to make me salivate over this bourbon-filled queer drunken gay glamour wedding. These two are ADORABLE and know exactly how to have a killer time dancing, dranking, and making sweet moments in their Pagan ceremony. Don’t miss how the wedding party went from strangers to BFFs dancing in a tub together in zero time flat.

Backyard wedding as seen on @offbeatbride #vegan #wedding #california

Find out how LARPers crashed this backyard vegan wedding

Jayme and Dominic are vegan motorcycle enthusiasts who planned the sweetest little backyard vegan wedding in California. Jayme walked down the “aisle” with her father to a ukulele version of “Today” by Smashing Pumpkins. Their handwritten vows were followed up by a whiskey flask unity ceremony in a public park amphitheater. The funniest part of the ceremony was the surprise background din of a meetup of 100+ LARPers having a battle!

KADILE378 1 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

A Mattel toy-themed wedding with veggie centerpieces and liquid nitrogen sundae bar

Michael and Liesl’s beachside Mattel toy-themed wedding featured a bright green gown, hot pink tie, Mattel toy escort cards and menu holders, vegetable centerpieces (which were juiced the next day!), liquid nitrogen sundae bar, and so much charm you won’t know what to do. Don’t miss the epic first tango, too!

Traveling wedding photographer as seen on @offbeatbride #sanfrancisco #weddingphotographer

5 times Dustin Cantrell’s photos punched us straight in the feels

Itinerant traveling wedding photographer, Dustin Cantrell, has taught us a fair few things in our time knowing him: how to deal with the too real anxiety of having an unplugged wedding and sad-but-true reasons to turn your wedding pics into OMG REAL LIFE ACTUAL photo prints. Dustin has been a part of the Offbeat family for a really long time and offbeat couples keep on continuously choosing him to capture their wedding moments. We already know why, and you should, too.

Genderqueer, sweets-loving, carousel wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

This genderqueer, sweets-loving, carousel wedding will have you in circles

A giant carousel, Mad-libs wedding advice, a gorgeous Santa Monica backdrop, loads of sweets and a killer dessert table, all surrounded by the cutest couple in pastels. This candy-filled carousel wedding is making us spin right ’round with all the love we’re seeing. Don’t miss the ultra sentimental tributes to their parents, too!