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320208332 a69aac5705 o alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

My Imaginary Wedding: How Dana & David rocked their two weddings

David and I knew we wanted an elegant and intimate wedding, one that was an extravagant enough affair that we couldn’t invite the world. But being actively involved in the music scene (he as a guitar player, me as a music writer), we also wanted to have a big bad rock and roll bash to celebrate our marriage. So we did both.

385076031 ff5e7f898a alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Wedding circle seating

My fiance and I both want a non-traditional wedding ceremony, without the procession. The ceremony and reception will be held at an restaurant in NYC. I’ve read somewhere we could have our guests stand in a circle around us with a small wedding. However, we are inviting about 50+ people and am not sure if this could still work with this many people. Do you have any thoughts on this or any other alternative ideas to a non processional wedding?

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Vania & Joe’s crafty, vegan, island “commitment celebration”

While I am committed to my partner, I just didn’t like the politics that went with being married. So, when we decided to do something to honour our relationship, we decided to have a “celebration.”

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Thanks to Cassandra for sending me a link to this New York Magazine article: Attack of the Indiezilla When getting married becomes an elaborate display of unharnessed self-expression, the result is a wedding that doesn’t look like a wedding at all. The article peeves me a bit, and it’s not just the title or the […]

WeddingPartyWings 800x533 1 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

16 winged brides to make your little fairy heart take flight

I wish more brides wore wings to their weddings … it’s such a fanciful, fun way to lighten up the day. Can this become a trend, please? Thanks. Here’s more fodder for the wing trend fire…

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When people don’t think you’re excited enough about your wedding

I do not feel squealy and elated when I talk about my wedding, and this seems to disappoint (and sometimes even upset) other people. How can I address others’ unsolicited wedding enthusiasm without seeming negative or rude?