One type of wedding that we feature heavily is a THEMED WEDDING. We love our theme-less weddings just as much, but sometimes a killer theme just feels so right. Is there a theme that hasn't been done? Surely. Are we game to see it? Absolutely. Here are a few offbeat wedding themes that blew our minds at the time (and maybe still do to this day!). Whether it was totally gorgeous, hilarious, outrageous, or just plain new to us, there have been some doozies.
Be sure to share if you're having an offbeat wedding theme, going theme-less, or going super simple. We're wedding fiends and we love it all.

The Wicker Man wedding
Creepy and awesome animal masks recall The Wicker Man and Halloween costumes and decor do the rest at this Wicker Man wedding. But the perfectly timed gloomy fog and rain made the ceremony seriously dead-on for the theme. Don't miss the wedding party outfits, the bride's gorgeous headpiece, and the eerie details galore.

The Indiana Jones meets Mass Effect wedding
The groom here, Sean, is a pretty massive Indiana Jones fan — what with the fact that he dressed up as Indy for his wedding and all! His equally costume-enthusiastic bride, Urania, swapped out her full-length wedding gown for a N7/Mass Effect ensemble later in the night. Go see it!

The octopodes and tentacles wedding
Octopodes actually became a huge trend for us that we still love, but man did it thrill us when it first started. This wedding also rocked a movie theme!

A Princess Bride wedding reading from the book itself? Inconceivable! Only the impressive clergyman knew about this particular passage from the book version of The... Read more

The snowboarding wedding
We saw a few skiing and snowboarding weddings come in during past years and we couldn't love them more. They make for the best photos, as you can totally see here. Winter weddings are just the best.

The helicopter entry wedding
Similarly adventurous, this helicopter wedding was equally bad-ass. Nate and Jessie had a mountaintop wedding near Cordova, Alaska last April. They were dropped off on the snowy, sunlit summit by a helicopter.

The super magical Princess Bride wedding
Maybe I'm biased about this one, but when a Princess Bride wedding gets it SO right, you have to give it props. Sure we've seen awesome Princess Bride references, but this one just took our breath away.

The Firefly wedding
For the show that didn't get its full due, couples have chosen to honor it with their nuptials. Here's one that did it so well.

The Bruce Campbell wedding
With Bruce Campbell movie-themed centerpieces (and some mohawk and other movie references), Dina and Travis honored their movie hero.

The Dirty Dancing wedding
One of the most amazing parts Julie and Rebecca's wedding was the choreographed dance, based on the final dance from Dirty Dancing — complete with LIFT! So fantastic.

The Nightmare Before Christmas wedding
Halloween is never over when The Nightmare Before Christmas exists. This is a popular theme, but the execution at Ashley and David's wedding took the cake. The Jack Skellington cake, of course!

The Shining wedding
Heeeeeeere's Johnny! And his killer wedding theme! Mini decided to base her wedding theme on Stanley Kubrick’s macabre and terrifying psychological horror movie, The Shining. They have a wicked, creative sense of humor, and wanted to cleverly “unknot” the traditional wedding with this subversive wedding theme.

The super-duper movie-themed wedding
Movie themes are common around these parts, but this one? Hella work went into it. From movie posters to the dance From Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion, movies have never been honored so well.

The Back to the Future meets Under the Sea wedding
The classic prom theme meets classic movie with a school dance. So retro, so '80s! Helenia and Jerry wanted our guests to feel as if they were in the dance scene from the movie itself.

The Robert Downey Jr. wedding
I'll just Tiara and Paul explain this one:
It was a bit of a coincidence when we found out our wedding date was not only the release date for Captain America: Winter Soldier but also Robert Downey Jr.'s birthday. It seemed fitting that our save the dates were a tribute to him and the internet. I also made it a mission to find the most bizarre and interesting photos of Mr. RDJ to be our main centerpieces.
RDJ: seen this one yet?

The Legend of Zelda wedding
This one doesn't seem so wild these days, but early on, it got a lot of attention. Morgan and Rob just wanted to foster their love of the game and of comic books and fantasy in general. Cuties.

The UP-themed wedding
With a first ten minutes like UP has, it's so ripe for plucking as a wedding theme. Romance galore. And tears. Oh my. Rachel and Steven rocked this theme with balloons, mailboxes, and an Adventure Book.

The Big Lebowski wedding
This one has been cribbed by so many other sites, but we had it here first. The Dude abides by Chelsea and Jesse's Big Lebowski wedding.

The Beetlejuice wedding
I know, I know, so many movie weddings! But it's easy to see why when these couples do so much amazing DIY. The amazing decor and costuming at Sarah and Troy's wedding is unmatched. Plus, I'd kill for a wedding where I could dress as Miss Argentina.

The superhero wedding
Oft repeated, never tiring, always SUPER. This DC superhero wedding was one of our faves, so we had to include it. Go give Reinesha and Devan and love.

Superheros part deux: Batman vs. Mr. Freeze edition
Oh let us have just one more superhero wedding. This time it's a heroes vs. villains wedding that gave us the chills… and not just from Mr. Freeze. Christopher and Kevin are adorably super.

The Wes Anderson wedding
We've seen a few Wes Anderson-themed weddings, but this one was especially wonderful. The bridesmaid style alone keeps us coming back for a peek.

The fire-breathing, glitter sneezing unicorn wedding
Katy Perry the Wedding Unicorn began her life as a black carousel horse with feathers in her hair. Upon her arrival in Brooklyn, Master Unicorn Builders Kat and Jesse repainted her from black to white, cut holes in her forehead, nostrils, and crotchal region and custom-built a base that would both give her height (aka “majesty”) and house the fuel tanks and keg. The rest was wedding theme history.

The Game of Thrones wedding
I believe this was the wedding that gave us the need for a Game of Thrones tag. It spawned a lot of awesome themes and kills in its own right. From gorgeous costuming to killer armor to sword tunnel majesty, this is one fantasy wedding you need to see.
See more of our many wedding themes in our big ol' archive.
More musings on wedding themes