Hey y'all: we've got some new branding (history of that here!) and new swagalicious Offbeat Bride shirts to go with it. If you're down with rocking your own offbeat-ness, these are up for grabs over at our Spreadshirt store.
We find these are particularly useful when meeting with new vendors so they know you're down for more off-the-beaten-aisle ideas. Or maybe you're one of our longtime readers and just want to be a part of the cool kids club with a killer shirt (available up to size 3X).
Keep scrolling to see the Offbeat Empire staff modeling them like PROS. Well, not so much pros as total amateurs, but we tried. 😉

Girl any chance I get I point at my boobs. Usually to draw my fiance’s attention to them, but sometimes just because boobs.
Also, I really like the shirts! I have a hard time justifying buying new clothes to myself, but I enjoy this site and maybe I can encourage some future bride to find this place when she starts to get overwhelmed by the WIC and bask in the happy weirdness. Lord only knows what my wedding would look like if I hadn’t discovered this place (probably fine, but I wouldn’t have been very satisfied).
Boob pointing for life!
Thanks for keeping us in your reading circle after your wedding. 🙂
Ahaha, absolutely! Even my 100% offbeat supporting Mom would fall into the “weddings have to have” trap, and this place gave me enough reasons to ask “why?” You’d be amazed (ok maybe YOU wouldn’t be, but it’s a general You here) how quickly those Have to Haves go away when the only answer is “because”. I want more engaged peeps to discover that!
Any plans for an Offbeat Empire shirt? (Too esoteric?)
Oh! It’s easy enough for us to put up a design, even if you’re perhaps LITERALLY the only person who would buy one. 😛
I can’t buy it this year (stupid “spend no money and pay off student loans” 2017), but I was going to go look at the shop to see if the Offbeat Empire was an option! So there are maybe 2 of us who want one (next year, *sigh*) 🙂 .
They come in other colors too! Though the black is pretty spiffy.
I would totes get a home or empire shirt, since I love your sites but am not engaged
Would also love non black options
I too would love to rock a Home or Empire shirt 🙂