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Sometimes we unleash our inner 12-year-old and are all OMG HOLY SHIT AWESOME CLOTHES SQUEE!!! Won’t you join us in this exploration of superficiality? Offbeat Wed’s fashion coverage includes tuxedo alternatives for grooms, clothes for non binary folks, lots of very unique wedding shoes, and more! Be sure to check out our wedding fashion advice posts, too.

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From kilts to socially-conscious suits: tuxedo alternatives for offbeat grooms

Join Offbeat Intern Becca as she ogles some of her favorite offbeat groom fashion.

courthouse alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Xenia and Rinat: I loves me some Russian goth weddings

I found this amazing wedding in my referral logs, of all places. Russian photographer Anna Kovaleva captured this February wedding of a young couple from Ufa named Xenia and Rinat.

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This groom’s purple outfit will make you squee

When I saw Cuba and Anna’s Offbeat Very Community-Oriented Wedding, I about died. Their entire wedding was gorgeous, but I was especially struck by Cuba’s outfit. So, I asked him to give me the details…

19 alternative engagement rings perfect for proposing to your offbeat beloved

19 alternative engagement rings perfect for proposing to your offbeat beloved

While Offbeat Brides don’t always follow the wedding conventions, I do notice that lots of offbeat proposals happen during the traditional time, which is between Thanksgiving and New Years. So let’s look at some offbeat engagement rings!

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The most adorable bridesmaids you will see today, guaranteed

I mean seriously — the peacock necklaces? The purple ribbon fascinators? The purple gloves!? And you haven’t even SEEN the shoes yet! For more adorableness from Sam’s bridesmaids, keep reading! Two of these bridesmaids are the groom’s daughters… Sam made the adorable fascinators that the bridesmaids are wearing: She also made the peacock feather clips […]

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Teaser for Chrissy & Danny’s two weddings

These two actually had two weddings, one in Thailand, and then the legal one in London. The Thai photos are jaw-dropping too (and omg, fashion alert: white dress + green shrug = WIN!), but today we speak not of monks and shrugs, but of cupolas and croquette…