Science, Math, Pop Culture!: Nerdy wedding invitations
I profiled nerdy Save the Dates about a year ago — now it’s time for some geektastical wedding invitations in your face. So wipe off your glasses and get a real good look at these geek wedding invites, some of them are even for sale right now, some of them were genius DIY projects from genius nerds in love.
Kitschy fun “just married” dress embroidery for your honeymoon outfit
I recently picked up embroidery and LOVE IT. (It is like the craft equivalent of coloring in a coloring book.) I mostly just embroider onto apparel, and had a light bulb moment — embroider something for my honeymoon outfit. I wanted something that was retro, kitschy, fun, and just special, so here’s what I came up with.
Use chalk boards on your reception table to reserve spaces and entertain guests
Stacy and Rob placed chalkboards in fun shapes on their wedding tables. As someone who spent the last few years shooting weddings, I hadn’t seen anything like that, so I was intrigued to see the idea behind the table chalkboards. Turns out, these little guys did many different things throughout the evening.
Apples skewered on bare branches + purple calla lilies = tablescape that will haunt your dreams
Remember how I went to Puerto Rico last month, and toured a bunch of amazing wedding and honeymoon venues? Well, one of the spots we toured was the Ritz-Carlton San Juan, where they did it UP for a dinner for all of us journalists. This amazing tablescape greeted me when I walked in the dining room… yes, those are green apples skewered on bare branches, surrounded by purple calla lilies and moss balls.
I was all HOLY FUCK, OFFBEAT BRIDES ARE GOING TO DIE. You have to see more.