Save the Dates are weird — they're often looked at as an unnecessary, silly, extra expense and they have the WORST acronym of the wedding world. But they can also be the perfect way to infuse a little personality into your wedding to give your guests the heads-up that this event isn't going to be your typical wedding. That's why I'm all about these nerdy Save the Dates, the perfect way to say “this event is going to be nerdier than a pair of XKCD ten-sided die.”
Seriously, we've got save-the-dates for book worms, sci-fi nerds, gamer geeks, comic book nerds, etc. So feast your four-eyes on these babies…
Control + Save the date with these computer key board Save the Dates from a master of nerdy wedding invites Dynamic Weddings.
Meta save the date is meta! (From Tribe member only1genevieve.)
Okay, so these are invitations, but I'm including them anyway. Plus the little heart-shaped controller buttons make me happy.
I was totally hipped to these vintage comic book style STDs via Neatorama. They're made by Etsy shop Team Welser and they're pretty incredible.
Remember Tribe member Stacy Rebek‘s nerd-gasmic Periodic Table of the Element themed Save the Dates?
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What about a simple little math problem?
The perfect book nerd's Save the Date! Thank to AmyMcKenna for uploading this to the OBB Flickr pool.
Tribe member Chucklehouse‘s friend helped create these Star Wars STDs, featuring her and her fiance as Han and Leia, with their bridesmaids and groomspeople appearing as the cast of supporting characters.
What nerd doesn't appreciate a good flowchart? I love Minted's “Love Flowchart” Save the Dates!
Aw, robots in love from Tribe member Emi. She hand-drew these suckers.
This was just one of the four different STDs that Tribe member Jordan Bell and her husband created.
Triple word score Scrabble STDs from Tribe member PencilWitch.
The STD was from Megan and Rusty's unicorn and giraffe wedding. Rusty is a graphic designer/artist, so he designed the these.
Tribemaid Jennifer explains, “I found the comic strips on a great website about vintage comics. I whited out the word bubbles and put our own stuff in.”
I'm telling you, I LOVE Tribesmaid Lara. It's not wonder that the girl who brought us the Geeky Love invites would have these epic geeky STDs for their geek-fest wedding! Let's see, we got lil anime creatures Star Wars, Harry Potter, Totoro, Pac-Man, Pokémon, Transformers, and even a Dalek with a top hat! Yeah, I said “Dalek with a top hat” and I'm a better person for it.
Tribesmaid Stephy made these nerdy Press Y to Save the Date magnets.
Speaking of books… check out Tribesmaid RedZulu's Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy STDs. I love her description, “Because we are movie, gaming, geeks I want our wedding to reflect us but also have a bit of an edge. So I started by making these STDs. I'm sure some of our guests didn't get it and I know a couple of our older relatives almost threw them out thinking they were an advertisement, but I love them and it is so us!”
These invitations are from my favorite cosplayer, Ginny McQueen. She explains,
“For ours, I wanted to use a photo of us together and Rob agreed to using a shot from our Doctor Who photo shoot. It was designed by me and printed on a 4×6 magnet.”
These are the Save the Dates from Tribe member Reha. She explains, “That's a schematic for Charles Babbage's Difference Engine in the background. We are nerds.” And the back of the post card has a table from a paper on Babbage's analytical engine.
Now I'm turning to you guys: Hit me with your best nerdy STDs!
These are all fantastic!
I was too cheap to do this.
We didn’t send these out or even invitations-all the invites were sent via facebook!
I wish I had seen these before my wedding last month- they would have inspired me to do this!
And you are right- ‘Save The Date’ IS the world’s worst acronym!
It’s also super-awkward when people abbreviate “bridesmaid.” It took me a while to understand what the women in the Weddingplans LJ community meant when they said, “I was talking to my BMs the other day…”
You know, it *is* such an inconvenient initialism, but there’s really not much you can do with it, I suppose. You could think about “Save the Date” with a lower-case “the”, but if you write “StD”, people may start believing you are referring to Saint D…
Hmm… according to a bit of googlage, someone says there’s a patron saint of brides named St. Dorothy… or perhaps the St. Dennis, the apparent patron saint of headaches would be more logical? 🙂
On the other hand, I think I might rather have people thinking I’m talking about Saint Dee than the alternative…
It probably wouldn’t help to go Latin. Something tells me “Vindico Diem” might pose a similar problem. 😉
Our wedding is new year’s eve (ack, only a few weeks away!) and I wanted 40s/50s vintage because I’m obsessed with that time period. It’s not a fad to me, and I hate that it is, I just LOVE it! I wanted our STDs to look like an old magazine advertisement… hope you can see the picture here on Facebook (a friend helped to make them!):
Awesome collection! Love them all but ADORE the Superman + Wonder Woman. 🙂
Yay, happy to see Ginny & Rob’s on here! This was ours:
These all made me squeeee with delight!
I love the Hitchhiker’s Guide one…. I want to slap “DON’T PANIC” on everything we send out.
I did kawaii anime Save the dates with our names in kanji on the front and a cute photo of us on the back
<3 Wow I feel like you guys are so sweet about linking us all the time. Also props to the other Star Wars one, you should do an article with all the awesome Star Wars stuff!
Love them all! We two too were too cheap to do real stds; they can be fun but budget wise, we poured every penny for mailings into our invitations!
We’re using the (credited) “Grownups” XKCD strip printed on postcards, with info on the back. Thanks for public use, Randall!
zomg that’s such a great idea to use XKCD comic strips!! my FH introduced me to xkcd when we first started dating and “Far Away” ( is one of my all time favorites especially because we started dating AFTER i moved to another state! i hope you don’t mind if i possibly steal this idea! there are TONS of appropriate strips on xkcd for something like this!
Ours aren’t completely done yet, mostly still a work in progress, but here’s the link – the theme is “our big fat geek wedding”
I’m a graphic designer of sorts and my fiancé draws, so we came up with this together. He drew all the characters and inked them, and I’m coloring in them and the backgrounds in illustrator – as you can see, all of our favorite geeky characters will be in attendance. 😉
I love this! So hilarious! 🙂
I drew chibi versions of my fiance and I am put them on postcards to send to our friends and family.
My fiance and I made 2 different Movie Poster Postcards. He photoshopped our faces in.
We sent the first one to family and the second one mostly to friends. The problem is, now the rest of the wedding has to live up to the awesomeness of the STDs!
Melanie those are AMAZING Save the Dates AND Photoshop jobs!
Haha, I’ll definitely post mine in like a week or two…