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Real Weddings: Southern US

There are some who say the South will rise again — and it’s true, if you’re talking about Southern nontraditional weddings! From Atlanta to Texas and North Carolina to Florida, we love our Southern offbeat couples. Submit your wedding for consideration via

4657219835 e2575785de alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Bonnie & Robert’s intimate zen DIY wedding

Got friends who can take great photos? Puppet masters who can craft amazing cake toppers? Furniture builders who are willing to build up some handmade furniture? Amazing illustrators for your programs? This couple somehow had all of these talents at their disposal and worked all of it into their streamlined, zen wedding. Low-key, no fuss — just a lovely event for simple weddings week.

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Jen & David’s laid-back Tennessee barbecue wedding

These two were not getting married — no way, no how. Except then they did, which made the whole shebang offbeat in itself. On top of that, they opted for a casual, outdoor ceremony with some kick-ass barbecue afterwards from the local joint they love. It was simple, small, and perfect for these two, who exemplify our simple weddings week.

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Alanna & Nathan’s Day of the Dead secluded outdoor wedding

Day of the Dead details in a gorgeous outdoor venue plus Halloween masks means a double holiday-themed wedding in Texas. The bride almost had a dress tragedy, but you’d never know it from the way her red gown looks. The bride also collects Mexican art and her love shows in all the DIY elements.

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Abby & Robb’s big family handfasting Halloween wedding

It takes a village to make a budget wedding and this couple had good friends to help. Handfasting, broom jumping, a last-minute Home Depot tie, and a little Doctor Who geekery make for a damn good time. Don’t forget to check out the bridesmaid’s different bouquets too! Just another awesome notch on the Halloween week checklist.

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Becky & Aaron’s nerdtastic offbeat lite robot wedding

Offbeat lite incorporating robots, an iPhone cake, light sabers, and motherboards is exactly what these two are all about — geeky, awesome, and true to themselves. You’ll love all the robot details and beaker centerpieces.

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Jamie & Mengmeng’s geeky Corgi-loving wedding

Jamie and Mengmeng (Jameng, as the tabloids call them) rocked a Chinese-influenced, geek-tastic, Joss Whedon-loving wedding celebrating all of their favorite interests. Get ready for chopsticks, Corgis, and a Serenity cake.