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Wedding Ceremony Scripts

How do you write a wedding script? Well, you can download our 200-page Officiant Pack, OR you can borrow from the sample ceremony scripts and templates that we’ve collected here! With dozens of wedding ceremony outlines and examples, there’s no need to wonder how to write a wedding ceremony… just get browsing! We specialize in unique non-religious wedding ceremony scripts and geeky personal wedding scripts full of pop culture references.

dearly beloved sign as seen on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Dearly beloved: using Prince in your wedding ceremony

Our ceremony was non-religious (we wrote our own vows), and performed by a dear friend who got ordained via the internet. The ceremony kicked off with our officiant reading the intro lyrics to Prince’s “Let’s Go Crazy”…

improv wedding vows on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Our Unceremonious Ceremony: yes, you can improvise wedding vows!

I scrawled some vows on notepaper the morning of the wedding, and my partner 100% winged it in the moment. I’m sharing these really just to reiterate what Offbeat Bride is all about: I hope you get to do whatever you want on your day.

We heart Valentine's Day weddings

Authentic, realistic wedding vows recognizing the shadow self

“I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we’re all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labour has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we’ll ever have, and I am in love with you…”

Our personal ceremony script featuring Star Wars, Johnny Cash, & Obergefell v. Hodges

Our personal ceremony script featuring Star Wars, Johnny Cash, & Obergefell v. Hodges

Be inspired by this personal ceremony script with so many sweet details (like vowing unlimited pet adoption, unlimited Star Wars, and unlimited chill-as-hell wedding readings!). Don’t miss Johnny Cash, Bruce Springsteen, Loving v. Virginia, and so much awesomeness packed into a wedding ceremony script.

A non-possessive ceremony

A poly-friendly and non-possessive ceremony script (with three rings!)

If you are looking to shed some of the possessive wording that usually comes with standard marriage ceremonies, this poly-friendly and non-possessive ceremony script will give you some great inspiration. It’s non-gendered, non-monogamy-friendly, totally usable by LGBTQ couples and cishet couples alike, and sweet as hell. Plus, see how three rings came into play (and the Iron Ring symbolism for Canadian engineers!)

Two rings to rule them all: Our short Tolkien-inspired ceremony script

Two rings to rule them all: Our short Tolkien-inspired ceremony script

This is our short and sweet Tolkien-inspired ceremony script that even included a Pokémon reference. It’s non-denominational and gender-neutral, which gives it a lot of flexibility. We included an introduction, a portion for honoring our departed friends and family, vows, placeholders for readings, a ring exchange, and our declaration of marriage.