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Alternative Wedding Ceremony Ideas & Examples

We’ve got SO much wedding ceremony advice like how to officiate a wedding, tons of wedding ceremony readings, a bazillion wedding ceremony scripts, and even wedding vow examples! We’ve also got info about handfasting and other unity ceremonies. You’ll want to start here: Wedding Ceremony 101.

how many wedding vows alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

I completely forgot my wedding vows at the altar, and it was perfect

Since my husband was nervous about having to write something eloquent, we agreed that in our ceremony instead of “vows” per se we would have a line that said, “[Name], if you have anything to say to [Name], you may say it now.” I prepared and prepared. The problem was, when our officiant looked at me and asked if I had anything to say, I forgot the entire thing.

parents aisle walking alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

What if both you and your partner walk down the aisle with both parents?

If you want to honor both of your parents when you walk down the aisle, Susan and Jana had a great idea: have both sets of parents (or any of your important people) walk you down the aisle. Here’s how they did it…

5534076916 8c9df05633 b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Our “stars and moon” short agnostic wedding ceremony script

I wrote this ceremony script with the help of Offbeat Bride, and I am really happy with the results. My very non-religious, scientific-minded fiancé is very happy with it as well. My mom, who has always told me that we are made of star dust, is absolutely in love with the Carl Sagan reading we selected for her. I am really excited about the music sections, and to share my ceremony with you…

first dance idea alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Have your first dance right at the altar

Sandra-Lee and Conrad’s take on a first dance struck us as genius. Right after the ceremony, right at the altar, they had their big smooch and went right into a super romantic first dance.