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Alternative Wedding Ceremony Ideas & Examples

We’ve got SO much wedding ceremony advice like how to officiate a wedding, tons of wedding ceremony readings, a bazillion wedding ceremony scripts, and even wedding vow examples! We’ve also got info about handfasting and other unity ceremonies. You’ll want to start here: Wedding Ceremony 101.

Celebrating the journey: wedding readings for a vow renewal ceremony

Celebrating the journey: wedding readings for a vow renewal ceremony

It’s no small feat to make it to the many milestones of marriage. A lot can happen to change you and your relationship and a vow renewal can cement all of that work into a more unified commitment. But how do you address that in your vow renewal ceremony?

Some wedding readings are totally universal for a wedding or a vow renewal, but some are just a little bit more apt for those who have traversed the trenches of longtime marriage. Here are a few weddings readings we love for a vow renewal ceremony…

The non religious two officiant wedding ceremony script youve been looking for alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

The non-religious two officiant wedding ceremony script you’ve been looking for

Almost everything you’ll find when you search for a “two officiant wedding ceremony” will be religious. But if you’re not inviting any of The Gods to your wedding, you might be interested in reading through our ceremony script…

(Keep in mind we’re foodies and our wedding was slightly Game of Thrones-themed, so pardon any and all foodstagram references, TV show puns, and spoilers!)

This cave vow renewal in Mexico is pure family love

This cave vow renewal in Mexico is pure family love

Entrepreneurs and adventure lovers, Sandi and Jimi, decided at the last minute to renew their vows with their three kiddos in a cenote (a natural pit) while traveling in Playa del Carmen. Pulling from their own cultures and experiences, they crafted a beautiful and intimate ceremony to re-bind their family together.

After that it was getting down to some serious play time with the kids in the wild foliage of Playa del Carmen, which is in no short supply of beauty. Let’s put on our sun-soaked goggles for this cave vow renewal in Mexico.

Moody and real: this pragmatic wedding reading is about REAL life

Moody and real: this pragmatic wedding reading is about REAL life

Our one guarantee in life is that we’ll have both good and bad times (and death and taxes, too). The beauty of a partnership is that someone is there to help you make it through it all, the highs and the lows. I love this excerpt by Rolfe Gerhardt because it takes a real look at like and creates a moving and pragmatic wedding reading that hits home for anyone.