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Reception Advice

We’ve got tons of obscenely fun wedding reception ideas, which might mean stuff like wedding reception games, wedding reception songs, fun other things to do when there’s no dancing at your wedding, wedding toasts, and so much more…

How do you transition from ceremony to reception alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How do you transition from ceremony to reception when they’re in the same space?

I’m getting married at an art gallery. The ceremony and reception are going to be in the same space. In fact, I’m going to have the guests sit at their tables and we will be married on the dance floor. Any ideas on how to break it up and make the beginning of the reception more official?

mingle reception alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Mingle with reception guests in order of their age

Every once in awhile we get some super duper simple advice from our couples that make us totally smack our heads. This is one of those nuggets of wisdom. If you want to make sure to get a little time with all of your guests at the reception, mingle in order of age! Target those who are likely to leave earlier (older relatives, parents with young children, or guests with long drives home) and make them your first priority.

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How André the Giant helped guests drive home safely

We’re going to feature Emily and Branan’s Star Wars, wrestling, and badminton wedding later this week, but I couldn’t wait to share this impressive way to dissuade over-drinking and encourage safe driving at the reception. They used a little tidbit about the booze tolerance of the late and most amazing André the Giant, which if you’ve read this book like I have recently, you’d know all about! Let’s see how they did it.

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11 offbeat questions for The Wedding Shoe Game

Depending on your neck of the woods, you reaction to The Shoe Game could be anything from: “Oh, yeah, that game every couple plays at weddings around here” to “whoa, I’ve never heard of that! Tell me how to play NOW.” But whether you’ve seen this game at weddings on the regular or Cait & Matt’s wedding was the first you’d heard of it, we need to talk about what an Offbeat Bride Shoe Game would look like.

gender neutral first dance on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Who cares who leads? Non-gendered first dance ideas for all

My brother-in-law — who has never danced himself — once told me that it is only natural in dancing that the man leads and the woman follows. Having taught many partner dance classes, from Swing to French Folk, I can tell you that that is completely and utterly untrue. Of course there is nothing wrong with the “man leads, woman follows shuffle”-type first dance, but not every wedding involves one man and one woman. And even for those who do, there are many options beyond the traditional first dance…

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Non-cheesy songs for the mother/groom dance

We have a post about non-sappy father/daughter dance songs, but we don’t have one about mother/son dances. Let’s rectify this!