Any suggestions for how to “dress up” a bride with eyeglasses?I wear wire rimmed glasses that are a subtle cat-eye shape (can't be too crazy since I work in a hospital) and I can't wear contacts b/c of a medical condition.
However, I find that glasses tend to “dress down” any fancy outfit I wear and I never see wedding photos where the bride has glasses.
Any experience out there? -Kerith
Seems like there are two strategies you could use for wearing glasses at your wedding:
1. “My frames are a part of my face!” (ie, stick with the glasses you've got)
If you love your frames and feel like they're really part of your face and identity, or are planning a low-key, mellow wedding, stick with the glasses you've got. If you're a make-uppy type, you could go for extra dramatic eye make-up under your usual specs to add some flair. Dude: when was the last time you tried quality fake eyelashes? Bridget Bardot in spectacles anyone?

After seeing Janna's motorcycle sprocket bouquet (and, for some of us, learning what a sprocket is), we knew that we had to know all about... Read more
2. “My frames are part of my wedding outfit!” (ie, get new ones)
Wearing a pair of one-of-a-kind frames that aren't your usuals would make a great visual impact on your wedding — I say go for frames that coordinate with your dress. To be even more daring and dramatic, go for frames that coordinate with your flowers. Let your glasses be an extension of your bouquet: a visual splash! You could also go super light and understated — ie frameless lenses that barely show.
I realize that dramatic eyewear isn't everyone's cup of tea, but if you're worried about feeling like your everyday glasses make your fancy outfit feel too casual then a pair of fabulous frames could help. If you were in Seattle, I'd send you straight to Eyes on Fremont, my favorite eyeglass boutique. (Caveat: as we all know, designer frames are expensive as hell. You could almost spend almost as much on glasses as you do on a dress.)
Another thing to consider is having your photographer take some of your wedding shots angled slightly from above. Everyone who wears glasses knows the infamous “over the lenses” shot (alternately called “Bloggerface” or “MySpace pose”), and it's common for a reason: It's a great way to keep your glasses on, but let your eyes show.
Now, here are a few brides with glasses to inspire you…

here is my beautiful wife in her glasses at the wedding. these are just her regular glasses. (i skipped mine, because i see relatively well without them and wanted a more dramatic look than my glasses could provide.)

I got married last wednesday and wore glasses. I’m so glad I didn’t try to fiddle with contacts, and it was a good excuse to replace my 3 year old beat up frames with some nice new ones
Pictures, Scunshine! PICTURES! 🙂
I’m working hard on them, my mom’s pressuring me to get announcements out by the end of this week! sheesh! that means pictures online by the end of the day 😀
i’m a little offended at the thought that the devices i need to see properly might be seen (hah) as making me look less dressed up. i don’t wear contacts, i’m not getting Lasik before the wedding – i’ll be wearing my glasses because I WEAR GLASSES. How is this about looking dressed down?
(kerith, by all means, if you’re not happy with how it looks, adjust. but i don’t think you should feel pressured into it by someone else saying it looks “wrong” in any way.)
Kate, I’m not sure Kerith was saying anyone was telling her glasses didn’t look right — she was saying she felt like they “dressed down” her outfit, which I understand. If you wear the same frames every day, they start to feel like daily wear — like your favorite jeans. I don’t think this is about anyone pressuring Kerith not to wear her glasses, but her trying to figure out how to make something she wears every day feel a little more fancy on her wedding day.
I have rather plain wire rims as well. I say wear them and do dramatic eyes – the nice thing about thin wire rims is that they allow for my eye makeup to take center stage.
Thank you for this post! I go with option number 1. I’ve had more people than I’d like asking me “are you going to wear your glasses?” I reply with, “of course–I have to see where I’m walking!” I think that if I wasn’t wearing glasses specifically for the purpose of the wedding I’d feel like it wasn’t *me* who was getting married. (besides, mine have dragonflies on them, which I love.)
What an incrediably lovely shot of the two of you. You are both so beutiful
here’s one more for you

Wow! You look incredible. If anything, I think your glasses help to make your eyes stand out even more.
I also wore my glasses for our September wedding. I did the white dress thing and was more worried about the veil or no-veil question than the wearing of my glasses… I know the glasses work, but how often do I sport a freakin’ veil???
I’ll admit that I had to get over the same feeling of “will I look too everyday?” and spent some time trying on each of my pairs of frames with the dress.
It came down to wanting to look like ME on my wedding day.
The other thing that made a difference is the eye makeup…. go big and bust out the false lashes! I told my make-up person I was wearing glasses and she amped it up accordingly… a little more intense color and some lashes made it all come together.
i say option number 1 as well – it’s definitely cheaper to just go with dramatic eye make up than to get new glasses! though option number 2 is a good way to get those crazy cat eyes you always wanted!!
i felt the same way as kerith – everyday glasses can feel dress down. so i had fake lashes put on for my wedding, and i felt totally fancy! the same goes with my bespectacled sisters / bridesmaids – nice make-up “dressed up” their glasses with their outfits.
I think I’m going to rock option 2 as a good excuse to get some “fun” frames. My work glasses are nice and professionally understated, but I’d like a pair that are a little more flirty (for both the wedding and for when I’m not at work). My dress is going to be cream and gold colors so I think I’m going to look for some light tortoise shell cat eye frames ;).
Awesome post! Now all I have to worry about is how to dress up my prosthetic leg. Talk about daily wear… Ha!
I have to say I’ve been surprised by the amount of people that think wearing glasses to your wedding is unfashionable. In fact, when I showed one of my favorite pictures (of my best friend and her husband on the day of their handfasting), she made the comment “next time, tell them to take off their glasses.”
The picture I showed her is the one on the front page of my site: http://tammyparneyphoto.googlepages.com
Personally, I love that they have their glasses on. It’s a part of them and I think it certainly makes the picture more interesting. I love seeing photos of brides with glasses on. :o)
and another one….

(hope that works!)
I think she looks super cute and when glasses have become part of your look it can look really really odd if you don’t wear them, I’m always slightly freaked out when my best friend wears contacts as I’ve know her with glasses since we were 12. She just doesn’t look like her without them!
I love the idea of getting ‘wedding’ glasses, I would if I could afford them!
Ok, mega-old comment, but I just have to reply: I think that is the most beautiful wedding dress I’ve ever seen! I don’t know why, I’m just in love with it. And yes, they both look cute with the glasses. Lovely.
I wore glasses for my wedding in July. Can’t see without them! I had a few people tell me how brave I was for doing that.

hi! i am the original poster and am so happy to see so many people putting in their two cents! thank you for the photos!! to clarify, i don’t think my concern about my glasses is related to fashion or pressure to look more like a conventional bride. i am considering wearing a flower behind my ear or a cute little flower net veil and don’t want my (small) head to look cluttered. in the past, i’ve felt like my bespectacled face is too busy even with the addition of non-stud earrings.
i totally agree though, about being freaked out when i see people who usually wear glasses go without…it’s like when i was little and my dad shaved his mustache! scary.
thanks for all the ideas — and thank you ariel for such a great site!
I know this thread is from ages ago, but im just starting to plan my wedding and as a daily specs wearer im trying to decide what to do. I wear a beautiful pair of zebra-print glasses every day – not very bridadl – and Im just not me in my contacts. I originally fancied a birdcage veil — too much with specs too?! and then theres magazines (hair, makeup, dresses) and next to none wear glasses! I realise its easier to photograph people without glasses, but we need options too!
Cara — that picture is super cute! I love her dress too! It’s absolutely stunning and elegant. I love the neckline and the way it drapes. Absolutely gorgeous.
[…] Read the whole thing here. […]
What a great variety of pictures. I wear glasses and just got new ones out of necessity after losing a pair. It never occured to me to worry about wearing them or not. I have to wear them and one thing that my fiance is adamant about it me looking like I look everyday. So no make up, which I never wear and no change in glasses. That’s fine with me, it’s easier!
You know what- and this may sound funny- but I’m just so used to my glasses that I forget I even wear them. This issue had never even come up in my mind before this post! I’m fortunate enough that I can go without my glasses. I certainly wouldn’t drive sans specs; or read for that matter; but I can walk around and be more than fine. I imagine I’ll take them off for the ceremony, if only for the kiss shot, and wear them the rest of the day. But all I needed was one excuse to get ‘dress up’ frames and I’m off and running!
I’ll recommend Optical4Less.com, for those that want to buy eyeglasses for cheap, and don’t mind that they’re made in Hong Kong. I needed to get new glasses this year, and on my grad student stipend, I couldn’t afford to get them from Lenscrafters or Walmart, etc. $48 for two pairs, including shipping, worked for me! I got one pair of boring frames and a second pair that’s more stylish (I wear the stylish ones everyday!).
I love all the photos people sent in! I think if you wear glasses EVERDAY of your life you should probably wear them on your wedding day. But I must say from a photographers point of view…there is that glare issue to deal with. Some glass is worse than others. I would test that out. If yo aways have glare in candid photos with your current glasses you may want to pick something else out for your wedding. Something with less glare!
I love the jek-in-the-box photos (the cat-eye lady); they invited friends to a surprise wedding, too! Before I got married I was 50/50 glasses and contacts, but decided to get Lasik since by the end of the day contacts made my eyes feel like dried-out grapes, and I didn’t want to deal with it. I actually love not having to wear glasses, but I miss the *look* of wearing them! Especially now that I see these photos; they look so cool. Oh well…soon enough I’m going to need reading glasses! : )
So happy about this post! I too have that little voice in my head that’s all “you can’t wear your GLASSES to an event with formal wear and professional photography!!” But, honestly, I think I look a hell of a lot better with my minimalist wire frames. If I went out and got contacts just for my wedding, I’d feel weird all day and be paranoid about my nose looking too big or the wrinkles under my eyes showing or whatever else that my glasses normally camouflage. No thanks!
Just wanted to say that these photos are incredible! I’ve been sort-of-pondering getting contacts this year, but I love my frames (which are tortoise-shell with a cool faux-snakeskin texture). Maybe I’ll just upgrade to anti-glare lenses…
I had the same dilemma: I love wearing my glasses and the way I look in them, but wasn’t sure how to incorporate them for my wedding day. I decided to wear my contacts for the ceremony and the formal pics, but then changed into my glasses before entering the reception. My mom didn’t want me to, but my wife was all for it. My glasses are such a big part of my identity, and I wanted to feel and look most like myself on my wedding day. I also wanted to stick it to the conventional wisdom that says a bride can’t be funky or must look model perfect. The reception–when I planned to unwind and dance my ass off–seemed like the perfect time to don the specs. And I love how I looked in them that day! (I’ll post a pic if you tell me how!)
That’s me, in my wedding glory. Not only did I wear my purple, yes purple glasses, I am a big fat happy bride! I know, so unconventional. I decided that I was not going to starve myself for anything, mainly because I enjoy being fat. Also, I caught alot of crap about my glasses, “oh, you should get contacts” or “take them off for the pictures” and I was not about to do that. I love my glasses, and I don’t think my husband would have married me without them! So I say wear ’em, or you’ll regret not looking like yourself in the photos!
I wore glasses and I never thought about about not wearing them for one second. I know that I wouldn’t have looked like me without them, particularly as I’ve worn glasses since I was 12.
If you are worried about it, you can try out different frames, a new pair might suit your dress better. Its also a good idea to wear stronger eye makeup if you are going to wear glasses, because if the colours are too subtle they can get lost.
I am so glad I found this. Some people have been telling me I should not wear my glasses. I think that is insane. It is part of who I am. I have 5 pairs now and will be getting a new “wedding” pair. I am really excited about it.
All mine are super funky and are special in some way. So now I will have a pair that I will wear for the first time on this most important day.
I live in New Zealand. A bride with glasses won ‘Bride of the Year’ in a competition run by one of our major wedding mags a year or two ago. She looked stunning.
No you don’t need an eye test! It’s a blurry shot, sorry, I can’t work my scanner today so it’s a photo of a photo.
I just got engaged on New Years Eve and it wasn’t even a week before someone told me flat out that I should definitely not wear my glasses for the wedding. It was a friend of a friend at our engagement party. The friend said I should only wear them for half the pictures. Others of course chimed in and said I should look into getting contacts. Like a lot of the rest of you, I don’t feel like myself without glasses and a lot of people don’t think I look like myself without glasses. I never even imagined not wearing them for my wedding before that. And it sort of hurt to think that people wouldn’t respect that part of my identity and my wishes for a wedding that was uniquely us. These same people also scoffed at our decision to have a winter wedding in Wisconsin with snow (I live in Florida but grew up in the midwest). So I am quite relieved to hear that others are trying to figure out the glasses thing and are boldly wearing glasses for their whole weddings. I plan to do that. And I am totally getting a special funky wedding pair. It should go very nicely with my hemp dress with sweater idea.
I’m getting married in 5 weeks and from the beginning have planned to wear my glasses. I also can’t wear contact lenses but even if I did I like the look of my glasses better. I heard a lot of comments about not wearing any glasses and walking blind or just put one contact in the eye that can wear it. All of these sounded ridiculous. If I had any doubts they were eliminated when my fiance (an occasional glasses wearer) said it wouldn’t be right if I didn’t give him my signature “you’ve got to be kidding me” glare over the top of my glasses on our wedding day. My mom (who is also my glasses wearing matron of honor) said stumbling blindly down the aisle is absurd. I even asked my friend our photographer and she was excited about photographing me with glasses on since she’d never had a bride wear them before.
When the support rallied, I decided not only that I was going to wear them but they would be part of the outfit. I found an awesome pair of dark brown frames with pink on the inside.I have pale skin and red hair so they stand out which is cool with me since I consider them my eye makeup. To top it all off, to compliment the “dramatic eye” I opted to have bright red lipstick too.
If you think your glasses are going to dress down your look stop considering them glasses and start thinking of them as “functional accesories” then you can really plan your overall look with them in mind. Have fun and scoff at convention.
I wore my glasses on my wedding day, and I cannot even begin to tell you how glad I am that I did. My photographer had a blast with them, too. His only advice, which I’m very glad I followed, was to have an anti-reflective coating put on the lenses (just the normal coating they offer everywhere to cut down on glare while you’re driving, etc.). This ensured that both the professional shots and candids snapped by my friends showed my eyes clearly!

My photographer just posted my bridals on her blog. I love Anne and if your in Northern Louisiana you should look her up.

When I got married, I wore white cat’s-eyes (to go with my wedding gown, of course) while getting ready at the place. For my public appearance, I wore a clear, plastic, unisex frame. (The red drop-temples would have been a bit too showy.)
I got so many comments before the wedding about my intention of wearing glasses that I literally googled “brides with glasses” and found this page!
I did end up wearing them, of course, and everything turned out just fine. Be yourself! The last thing you need to worry about on your wedding day is being able to see properly, or not looking like yourself!
My husband wore his glasses as well as 50% of our bridal party. The pictures turned out beautifully so don’t believe any of that “your pictures will be ruined!” nonsense.
So glad I found this site!!! I am really feeling insecure about wearing my glasses on my wedding day (mainly b/c other people said I should get contacts). My glasses are apart of who I am…I’m tired of people telling me I should not waer them… I have worn them for practiculy my whole life…they are apart of who I am…
This thread is interesting to me. I have needed glasses since 2nd grade, and started wearing contacts in 7th grade. I developed severe dry eye sydrome a few years ago and have had to stop the contacts and wear glasses every day since. It’s uncomfortable for me, especially in the summers. I like the glasses, but miss the ease of contacts. I was recently approved to wear contacts again, and I feel that I look more like myself with them in! It was weird to get used to (I keep trying to push up my glasses, especially when I get nervous). But I am very excited to not have to wear my contacts on my wedding day since I feel like I look more like myself this way.
As for those who feel so bold wearing their glasses all day — it’s who you are! You aren’t bold for being you! I can’t even believe how rude people are to make you feel differently. PLEASE PLEASE be comfortable in who you are!
Soooo glad I found this! I, too, googled “brides with glasses.” I can’t wear contacts due to a medical condition and every single bridal magazine I look at, none of the featured brides (and obviously the models) are wearing glasses. I’ve got copper colored wire rims…I like the idea of getting wedding glasses, just one more expense to add to the budget!!!
I’m so glad no one has asked me about wearing my glasses at the wedding, but I’m sure it will eventually come up, and I can’t wait to give them an earful!! Thanks, ladies!
I’m part of the “my glasses are part of my face!” camp, so I didn’t think about contacts for a second. my only qualm was that my frames are bright red with purple, and i was afraid it would look terrible with all of the other sort of muted colours i was wearing. i looked at all kinds of alternative frames in blacks and browns, but they all just looked so blah compared to the lovely vibrant red i was used to. turns out, part of my hair flower had these red berries on it, which ended up tying everything together nicely, and i think since they were my regular frames and i was so dolled up anyway, they weren’t hardly noticeable. let’s see if this works:
I’ve been having the issue about whether or not to wear my glasses on my wedding day, but my friends all say I’m me with glasses and I would look weird without them, so I’ll most likely wear them.
I could go without wearing them for the ceremony but it’d hurt my eyes and I don’t want to be squinting the whole way through! The frames are the exact same color as my hair, so they blend in anyway, and I’m sure when I get my hair done the glasses won’t make my outfit look any less casual than a bride without glasses.
I say, if you want to wear your glasses on your wedding day, wear them, if not, don’t. Just go with what feels right for you.
As a wedding photographer who has been to 1000+ weddings, I say wear your glasses, but do quite a few “portrait” type photos without them — I say this because you never know if you’re going to get contacts, or ? – and then your “look” will change. Do a bit of both, and then you’ll have no regrets.
I’ve had glasses since i was 18 months old. That’s right, 18 months old. They had ear pieces that went all the way around my ear so that they wouldn’t fall off. there is no way that i’d get married with out them. I feel very vulnerable without them. (anything could just fly up and poke me in the eye!). Plus, because my glasses have UV protection, my eye area is very very very pale. I’d look really strange with out them.
When i got my passport the photo place made me take them off. It just doesn’t look like me.
When i was a senior in high school i had to get the lenses taken out of my frames for my senior pictures so that there wouldn’t be any glare, and i had a headache the rest of the day. Not something i want to do again.
Not to mention i have a lazy eye, and when they get tired (from not wearing my glasses) i get very very cross eyed! now that would be flattering.
i’m keeping my awesome glasses on during my wedding.
Has anyone worn a birdcage veil with their glasses? That is the biggest issue I am having right now – I love my glass but I love birdcage veils and they don’t seem to work together very well. Although, the red veil picture at the top of this listing looks pretty cute.
Thank you so much for this blog. I have been telling people that I am going to wear my glasses on my wedding day and they are trying to convince me to do other wise. I love my glasses and they are apart of me so why wouldn’t they be apart of my wedding attire.
I’m an optician/optometrist so there are 2 rules you must follow if getting wedding glasses.
The first is getting an anti-reflective coating on the lenses – there’s nothing worse then having a fantastic frame but none of the pictures show your eyes because of reflections.
The second is to not get photochromic lenses. These change colour in the sun, so are fine indoors, but all your photos ourside look very strange. My dad had a pair at my aunt’s wedding a few years back and looked like the ‘blind man’ at the back of the group.
Yikes. And this is why I won’t be wearing my glasses at my wedding. They don’t have the non-reflective coating, and they are most definitely transitions lenses. All of our photos will likely be taken outdoors.
A friend of mine wore glasses with her birdcage veil. She had a 1950s tea length dress (from a thrift store–so awesome!) with a lavender sash and the big dark, retro frames that are so popular now. She also wore a flower in her hair (might've been a peony, as it was a largish bloom) and had white lace gloves to complete the look.
I wish I knew how to add pictures so I could show you!
Who is the girl in the first and last photo with the cateye glasses? I want to see more pictures of her wedding and outfit! Her style is perfect and just what I'm trying to achieve with my wedding next year.
also I think glasses are really in style right now and if I had to wear glasses I would definitely go out and buy a pair of stylish vintage frames that went with my dress. Glasses are cute!
That's Jessica Wilson: http://offbeatwed.com/2007/06/guerilla-wedding
I have a pair of silver half-frame glasses (the frame is on the top); I was considering not wearing them for my wedding next year, but after reading all this, I've decided I can make them work. Especially after seeing all the wonderful pictures! Thanks, ladies. ♥
I wear glasses too and I wish I could get a link to pictures brides in eyeglasses. I find it hard to visualize a hairstyle by looking at brides without glasses. Does anyone know links of more pictures of brides in eyeglasses from dresses to hairstyles?
Inessa, I've got pages and pages of photos of brides with eyeglasses: http://offbeatwed.com/tag/brides-in-glasses
Thank you!
I saw those, but I was wondering if there are other websites that show hairstyles and dresses possibilities..
I love your site and page I just got married and am so glad I wore my glasses felt more like me when I looked at the pics. I hated all the 'helpful advice' I recieved before the wedding not to wear them.
Actually how can I send in a glasses pic?
Stick the photo on a photo sharing site like Flickr.com or Photobucket.com and then leave a comment with a link to the photo here in the comments.
I am contemplating wearing my glasses. I didnt wear them for the engagement photos and ended up with a headache by the end of the day 🙁 I can survive without my glasses but if a 2 hour photo shoot gave me a headache I cant imagine a whole day (and some of it includes signing). I cant stomach contacts at all and so might have to get some 'wedding glasses' Im in Korea at the moment and glasses are SUPER cheap. But I agree with the OP that they tend to dress down any outfit I wear. Oh well I have 9 months to figure it out. 🙂 Nice to read and see all your ideas. x
I'm totally going to wear my glasses. They have been part of my face since fourth grade and I can't stick shit in my eyes! Not to mention having red puffy eyes from new contacts seems all around less attractive to me.
I want to wear my glasses too…. but i have transition lenses and our wedding is outside – won't i look sunglasses-y in every shot? I don't want to change my glasses lenses before the wedding because i lack the low-glare…. I think my crazy hair and fringe might be the worse for wear element here… 😛
I want to wear my glasses too…. but i have transition lenses and our wedding is outside – won't i look sunglasses-y in every shot? I don't want to change my glasses lenses before the wedding because i lack the low-glare…. I think my crazy hair and fringe might be the worse for wear element here… 😛
Unfortunately, yes- an optician commented in an earlier comment and said that transition lenses will darken and cause issues outside.
Anyone in the NYC area should check out Fabulous Fanny's on 9th St btwn 1st and 2nd Aves. I've been getting my glasses there for like 10 years and they are, in fact, fabulous. They've got a million styles of vintage and retro frames (I recommend just getting someone who works there to help you, since otherwise it will take hours!).
They're really reasonably priced, too. Out of 5 or 6 pairs I've gotten there, only one cost more than $100, and those were incredible red, rhinestone-encrusted frames I got for prescription sunglasses.
I’ve needed glasses since I was five; I have three pairs of glasses and also wear contacts on a regular basis. I hop between them on any given day for all kinds of reasons – I elected to wear contacts on the day of the wedding because I felt like it when I got up that day, but I would have felt equally comfortable wearing my glasses – my husband didn’t care which option I chose, and I had my glasses in my purse if I felt like changing at the reception.
My older sis and mom said that I should get those throw-away contacts for the wedding so that I wouldn’t have to wear my glasses. I had a few reasons for telling them no: 1) I wear glasses on a daily basis, so my wedding day is not a reason for it to be any different 2) I think I look better with my glasses than without 3) I’m not spend extra money unnecessarily for something that I could really could care less about wearing (contacts) and for something that isn’t who I am 4) Again, I don’t want to waste the money on something I’m only going to wear once.
(I can’t figure out how to add the actual photo into the comment…)
My husband and I both wore our glasses to our wedding. His eyes are way worse than mine and he’s had those glasses FOREVER and nothing else was ever considered. I love my frames, and I’m shy and I sort of like “hiding” behind them a little, so for me, it was a comfort factor in choosing to wear them. Plus, I’m a little hipster and I, well, love those frames!
I’m really glad to see this article! I have glasses too but I might be getting new frames because I have transitions and I don’t want them changing for outdoor pictures (Even though we are getting married in October)
I think I look better with glasses anyway!
My fiancee and I both wear glasses, any other time we’d be happy to let our g33k flags fly… but we both think if there’s a chance of make up running or tears or wind or anything, then contacts are probably a bad choice, so we’ve decided we’ll let the photographer take some with them off, just to break up the more routine looking shots, but I need my glasses to see, and aside from wearing new frames that go with the decor, we’re probably just going to wear glasses and if someone wants to take some shots with us half blind, then it’s an option, but I don’t like poking myself in the eye.. [no problem with people who like contacts though, do what makes you comfortable]
Sorry to bring up the old discussion 🙂 I’ll be a bride in 2013 and I wear glasses. I hadn’t given a thought about that until I saw a photo of a bride wearing glasses and it struck me that all the other photos I’ve seen are of brides without glasses 😀 My fiance wears contacts, rarely glasses. I am not used to contacts and I imagined myself just walking without glasses and hoping not to stumble. You all give me the assurance that I can still be a beautiful bride wearing my glasses and actually seeing my wedding 😀
It’s so nice to read all these inspiring comments. I’m getting married in November and just decided to google ‘Brides with glasses’ because you hardly ever see any pictures. I’d love to be all dressy and not have to wear glass, but they’re a part of me! I always wear them and If I turned up on my wedding day without them then I think it would be weird. Why should I change for one day?
It’s nice to read all these comments and to see the pictures. I love the pic at the top of the page!
I’m trying to decide whether to buy some new glasses that are slightly different to my everyday frame….
Has anyone had problems with reflections in photos?
I don’t wear glasses so I can’t say if this will work or not, but maybe you have a pair of glasses that you don’t wear frequently that you could diy? Like add some rhinestones to the corner of the frames? You’d need thicker frames for that to work, I’d assume.
Another bride here who wore her glasses because she’d be naked without them. I bought these from Zenni Optical because I wanted blue ones to go with our blue and yellow color scheme.
I am kinda bummed that I might end up wearing my glasses to my wedding. I don’t really need my glasses very much, but I’ve got some pretty awful bags under my eyes, and I use my glasses as a distraction tool. :-p I’m going to make sure to stay hydrated, avoid sodium, get enough sleep, and get some well-done professional makeup to hopefully keep those bad boys in check, but with the photo-snappingest day of my life, I really don’t want to look at every photo and cringe. I guess we’ll see! Haha, pun unintended!
I wore glasses on my wedding day last Monday and I wouldn’t have it any other way!
Proud of the beauty of bride in glasses. <3