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Author of three editions of the Offbeat Bride book and its sequel (From Shitshow To Afterglow, the ultimate offbeat breakup book), Ariel Meadow Stallings is the publisher of all the Offbeat Empire web properties. She lives in Seattle with her son. You can read her latest writing here.
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From kilts to socially-conscious suits: tuxedo alternatives for offbeat grooms

Join Offbeat Intern Becca as she ogles some of her favorite offbeat groom fashion.

white couple alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Let’s talk about Offbeat BIPOC Brides and couples of color

Based on reader feedback that it was “hard to find any weddings of people of color,” we started tagging posts that featured couples of color to make them easier to find. Tagging is how we make all sorts of things on the site easier to find: Kansas weddings, brides in glasses, grooms with long hair. We’ve got hundreds of tags. We wanted to make it easier for readers who were frustrated by the experience of feeling like they only saw white couples across wedding planning websites.

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The art of the Low-Drama No: developing your bridal boundaries

How can you make your needs clear without steamrolling other people’s concerns and comfort levels? How can you say no without stomping a high-rise?

courthouse alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Xenia and Rinat: I loves me some Russian goth weddings

I found this amazing wedding in my referral logs, of all places. Russian photographer Anna Kovaleva captured this February wedding of a young couple from Ufa named Xenia and Rinat.