The entire Offbeat Empire is saluting Something on a Stick Day today, so we're celebrating all things… on sticks. For Offbeat Bride, that means mini flags, mustaches, ribbon wands, pie markers, and lollipops. You'll also want to check over at Offbeat Home & Life and Offbeat Families to see what they have going on. Let's stick the landing, stick it to the man, and stick together as we overuse puns and peruse the stuff-on-a-stick archives.

Learn how to get your guests to shake a stick with these “Yay!” celebratory flags.

Or you can have them twirl some festive ribbon wands instead of throwing confetti. These also go well with head-banging. Imagine all of the guests rockin' these wands to a certain song.

Here's another mini flags tutorial for minimal effort and maximum cuteness on sticks.

Laura and Stephen's retro jazz wedding featured handmade candy and ribbon bouquets on (you guessed it) sticks. EXTREME CLOSEUP below. Yep, that was two Wayne's World references in one post. What are you gonna do about it?!

Katie and Jared had sooooo many pies and cakes that it's hard to even notice there are awesomely colorful labels on sticks showcasing the goods.

The offbeat bride: Jenn, Musician and Music Teacher Her offbeat partner: Cody, Social Security Location & date of wedding: City Arts Center in Oklahoma City,... Read more
Lori and Brian know that a handlebar on a stick can really bring some class to any event…
…especially when they are on the back of a program, a la Carolyn's wedding. This is now deemed a “high-class affair.”

But Jax prefers a big ol' grin on a stick to a mustache. It's just how she rolls. Check out more from Jax and Andy's geeky glam Gwen Stefani-loving wedding.
There's more stick madness to see on Offbeat Home & Life and Offbeat Families, including PEEING on a stick (insert my childish giggles here), so head on over for more silly holiday fun!
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Good, I will show up with corndogs!