Can you steer me in the direction of wedding hair for chicks with dreads?My mom is fucking tripping (which is so completely weak considering that I'm 32 and paying for the shindig) so I thought I'd get her to chillax with some dready wedding goddess hair pix.
We've got you on this one!
For lots of inspiration for how you could style your dreads, keep on reading…
First, some more conservative ideas to make your mom happy:
A nice tidy dread bun with a sparkly wrap looked gorgeous on Kavisa:
Obviously, hair wraps are an easy way to keep your dreads back and your face tidy:
What about a heart-shaped bun?

Of course you could always cover them with a hat:
How about a simple twisted side pony, like dreadmama's? Stick some flowers in this, and you're FANCY:
We like the idea of ornate lovely things hanging from your dreads, stuff like this:
Then there are bantu knots. Love 'em! (Photo courtesy of
We also checked in with the Siouxzi — you may remember her for her Steampunk wedding, but she also does synthetic dreads! She had all sorts of great advice…
Possibilities are braids, buns, tying them up, messy updo's are pretty easy to get away with. Just because you have dreads doesn't eliminate the use of hair pins, flowers, even veils. A great site, not mine sadly, for beautiful ideas is or check out Sadly the lj community is pretty miss for hits these days, but check back in the archives, you might find some great ideas.If your current dreads don't really go with your wedding, sew a cover for them. A cover is long and tubular and say about a foot long or so. Maybe make it out of material that matches your gown or instead of a regular veil, concoct a way to wrap your hair in veil leaving only the hair at your roots and the very end visible.
Just be sure to practice before the big day. And remember not to fight what your hair wants to do, work with your dreads not against them.
If you're looking for more dreadlock inspiration, check our dreadlock archive. If you're looking for Natural Hair inspiration, we've got that too!
Beautiful pics.
LOL @ “psychedelic Marge Simpson.” There was an episode where there was “acid rain” in the water supply. Marge drank some and said, “Ooh, the curtains are melting again…”
I am a black woman with locs and unfortunately my hair does not look like many of the options posted. I have found some loc’ed styles for my hair texture that are absolutely beautiful but I am definitely seeking more. I am not sure the hair texture of the person who sent in the question but there are many beautiful options particularly if you want to wear your hair up.
Caribqueen, Reba has fine light brown hair, so I tended towards models with similar hair … I would LOVE to see the styles that you’ve found! Care to share some links?
this almost makes me wish I was getting my dreads done before the wedding instead of right after. But seriously, my mom would lose her shit. So Im not going to be a brat about it… but Daym. Those are all sexy dreads
Ariel~ Thanks so much! I can’t tell you how much I apreciate your answering my question, and with pictures taboot! I love the whimsical nature of the colorful dread extensions, as well as the myriad of photo examples!!!! Thank You Thank You Thank You!
These are awesome! I even like your trippy Marge Simpson updo. XD
I also love the way they did Tilda Swinton hair in the “The Chronicles of Narnia” movie in keeping with a half up/half down natural look.
There is also her full up do:
The crown is over the top, but I love that she looks amazing regal, and the dreads are just a totally natural part of her look.
Yummy! I am renewed in my desire for *blue* heidi braid dreads.
Funny thing. I used to have dreads, but now I don’t. And I’m considering putting dreads back in my hair for my wedding… and thereafter. I miss them!! Thanks for the GREAT ideas. Now maybe my mom will chill too….
I love the Halo style with the blue dreads, looks really pretty!
ooh, I’m really digging Lily’s suggestion of the Tilda Swinton copy. That’s how I always imagined dreads would look in my hair, but my mum scared me off when I was 15 saying I’d have to shave my head when I didn’t want them anymore! Funny how that stuck with me! Make sure you send in pictures of your hair trials Reba!
OMG! It’s Reba from AK! Get it girl. xoxo Another JamGirl
Who’s that JG!?! Identify yourself girl! Drp me a note
I think the bantu knots Rock! I also think you look pretty cute as a bridesmaid Ariel! This post makes me want to get some dreads going on!
[…] March 3rd, 2008 · Guest blog, Offbeat advice · No comments Part II of my series on dready weddings is a guest blog from none other than Ms. Siouxzi Rodeman, steampunk bride and fake dread […]
I love this entry! My partner and I both have dreadlocks, so it’s great to see more ideas…
I would like to say thank you. I was actually looking for a style for a dinner I have to attend. Thanks to this site I also found styles that I can use for my wedding next year. I was really worried bout styling my hair for my wedding. This will give my mother-in-law and myself something to talk about. THANKS AGAIN.
ihave dreads so thank you for helping me
[…] while back I answered an advice question about how to style your dreadlocks on your wedding day. Well, Chloe here may rocking my very favorite dread style […]
Hey. A friend forwarded me your site & I find it way interesting & helpful. I too love the Tilda locks, all up, but have trouble managing my 3feet+ locks. They’re almost down to my knees & the styling is generally a pony tail or bun. How should I spunk it up for my fall wedding? xoxox
my lil sis (one of my ‘maids) just got dreads… i think shes more freaked out about being in the wedding with them than i am. i’m jealous! with i could dread – but not sure how that would go over at the office (i’m a tax accountant). anywho – lots of ideas here for dreaded brides, but anyone have ideas for my ‘maid?
I found this link here on Offbeat Bride in the Wedding Porn section. Simply gorgeous.
i need some help with my hair please help me i have locs but i dont no what to do with it right now
Hi how are you? I got married the last month, and I was worn little flowers in my dreadlocks, maybe this idea could help you, you can see the pictures here:…
i wish i could style my dreads but i cant cuz they to long n thick. i cant even do a ponytail without havin to get another rubber band cuz they kept poppin.
i have dreads and just got married
what i did was a few braids to keep my hair to one side then i pinned it and stuffed some babies breath in those bitches and BOOM
i had some classy knots
heres some photos
I love all of these options!