Okay, so this idea will only work for certain venues, but when it does work, it's EPIC.
Alisha and Jennifer's glittery unicorn wedding featured an actual real live ceremony balloon drop! Balloons make for the biggest “confetti” ever.
Plus, you can coordinate it with your theme: rainbow, black and white, marbled balloons, metallic balloons… anything goes.
As you can see, they hoisted up a ton of multicolored balloons with a big net and when they kissed? Balloon drop magic. You can find balloon drop kits at places like Amazon with a few balloons or thousands, if you want.
If you're looking for this kind of ceremony drama (as opposed to the people kind!), check in with your venue for options. They could be totally down for it.
Making balloon drop magic happen:

Grab a full kit of balloons + the net, or if you want just the bag and want to customize the balloons separately (color coordination, y'all!):

All the pretty balloons…