My future husband and I decided to invite all of the kids in our family to our wedding to help meet our caterer's 150 guest minimum. We got kind of excited about it since we're both big kids ourselves, and now we had an extra excuse to let that part shine through at our wedding — under the guise of entertaining our little guests! That said, I think I got kind of carried away in making this Activity Book to keep them entertained. Here is the final draft…

The final pages have the answer keys to several of the games. The back cover asks them to draw us a picture and rip it out of the book to give to us:
[related-post align=”right”]I'm a regular zinester, so I found it was relatively easy to whip out a little book. (Perhaps too easy, which may be why I kept going and going with it.) If you use my ideas as a base, and fire up program like Word or PowerPoint, you can make one of these for yourself too!
This is AWESOME! I used to be a teacher so I know how much work this must have been to put together. It looks great!
This is super sweet! We’ll probably have kids at the wedding and this would be a great thing to keep them occupied.
Love it! We’ve been brainstorming about activities for the kids’ tables. These are SO much better than plain ol’ coloring books.
I LOVE THAT! So creative and fun! I may have to come up with something similar for the kiddos at our wedding. I’ve seen crosswords before, but I adore the idea of the scavenger hunt and the people bingo! I agree that it would be awesome for encouraging ALL of the guests to have some fun!!!!
Heck, I’d love something like this for the adults!
love love love love love! and agree with nikki – i’d do this for the growed up people too.
This is the most awesome idea I’ve ever seen. I now feel I must have a wedding straight away so I can have an excuse to make these! So creative and super fun!!!
You should sell these! They’re great!
Oh man, now I wish I could fit more kids at my reception, this is amazing! Great job!
Those are absolutely adorable!
Ok so how do you make these?? I am looking for a DIY wedding coloring book and need help!
I love the people bingo!! I can especially see that working for older people – good all round though 🙂
Downloadable “MINGLO” (aka mingling people bingo):
These are fantastic!
I’d love to steal this idea but make slightly naughtier versions for the adults (seeing as our wedding will likely be kid free or only a few kisd)
Our wedding is packed with kids… this is an awesome idea I just might steal! 😀
What a fabulous idea! I’ve been trying to think of stuff for the kids to do at my wedding, and I will probably steal a few of these. Not quite so elaborate though 🙂
Such a great idea! There aren’t enough words for the awesome!
This is my new favorite idea! Brilliant!
People Bingo is one of my favorite games!
Love this idea!!! We are having kids at ours and were totally looking for something they could do.
So, I’m having like all of maybe 3-4 kids at my wedding, and I’m stealing this idea for the adults. ‘cuz omg. This is fantastic and I absolutely love it. Icebreakers are awesome, and this is a great, legitimate reason to have crayons at my event. SQUEE.
I am doing something like this for my pubcrawl/scavenger hunt that will take place in between ceremony and reception! I never thought to put it in BINGO format. I am stealing this idea! Thanks!
I think this is a great idea, and I bet a lot of the adults will want to play along too.
My best freind got married last weekend and invited a lot of her cousins and the children of her friends to the wedding and she had activity books for the kids as well as toys for kid-only favors. However while those were well received the kid guests mostly just loved dancing, they made sure the dance floor was never empty. We also had them all ride in the limo from the ceremony to the reception along with the rest of the wedding party and they were just unbelievably excited.
At the end of the night we had a 7 year old catch the garter and an 11 year old catch the bouquet, they were not amused when I told them it meant they were getting married next, so I amended it and said they could wait about 20 years or so.
This is amazing! What an inspriation! I will be using some of these ideas in a wedding activity book i am just about to make! Just a shame a lot of the children at my wedding are too young to appreciate this! x
This was a HUGE inspiration for our activity books. We just finished them today!! SQUEEEEE!
My fiance and I are getting married at the summer camp where we met and have worked the last few years. The camp counselor in me loves the idea of icebreakers at a wedding. Brilliant!
Cute! Can you post a tutorial of some kind showing how you did it and where you found the activity pages? Did you make them yourself or were they found elsewhere?
We made all of ours using Power Point. We googled many of the images, made sure they were free to use from their sources, then pasted them onto our document.
Is this a free printable book? If so, where can I go to get a copy?
This is a DIY project that the author undertook herself. If you want something similar, you’ll need to DIY, too! 🙂
This is great! I’ve been looking for interactive ideas like this!
Fantastic idea, thanks! We are having 15-20 kids at our wedding so this helps solve my dilemma of giving them something to do. Like others on this thread I would love a copy of the file you used for some of the pages if you are willing to share.
Thank-you so much for this!
Love this! We are doing “social media cards” with a picture of our cat that says “my people are getting married and I can’t come! Take photos and tag them #gordon’sparents so we can see them all later!” Hopefully to encourage people to take more photos. 🙂
Thanks for sharing this! I just finished 2 versions of this for my wedding, one wedding themed and one “favorites” themed for kiddos who may not be into wedding stuff. It was lots of fun and I even found a fun Cthulhu coloring page to include on the favorites book. I used publisher and it was super easy to do.
Thanks for the inspiration! I just made one for my son’s wedding! I can’t wait to see how much fun the kids have with it!
FYI, it wouldn’t be personalized if it was a template.
I used Word to create the pages, making the word search and crossword with a table and hiding the borders. I used Google to find a dot-to-dot, maze and hidden picture. I made a coloring page using (free). You can google how to do it from a photo.
Give it a try! It’s fun!