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5136124607 e1c071530a alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Jessica & Joseph’s steampunk/neo-Victorian gamer love celebration wedding

You may remember Jes’s two fabulous dresses from the Monday Montage a few weeks back. This thoughtful, geeky, steampunk wedding won’t disappoint. -Becca

4791674687 95432a258d b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Groomsmen fashion inspiration: suspenders & mismatched ties

How to dress your groomsmen so they look dapper and yet also like the individuals they are?

4572368723 5343daee3e z alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Let me count the ways I love this photo

This shot just showed up in the Offbeat Bride pool, and I just spent 10 minutes studying it like a work of art. Uh, hi. Obsess much? Here’s what caught my eye:

Picture 21 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Chantal & Sean’s dark red and black, rock ‘n roll marriage party

We decided to do our own take on tradition. We didn’t want to eliminate traditions all together just because we didn’t believe in them, we wanted to show how we could interpret them in our own unique way.

We were together for ten years already and didn’t want it to be all about us getting married. We wanted it to be more of a celebration of the relationship we already had and are planning on continuing.

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Marylyle & Jordan’s Sephardic, Celtic, Balkan bash

The offbeat bride: Marylyle, Librarian (and OBT member) Her offbeat partner: Jordan, Computer Programmer Location & date of wedding: The garden outside UVA Alumni Hall in Charlottesville, VA. — 08/16/2009 What made our wedding offbeat: Jordan is a Sephardic Jew and I am Unitarian. It meant a lot that both of us and our traditions […]

4040650091 79e30918ab alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

The Hitchening: The Party with a Wedding Inside!

The offbeat bride: De Anne, Artist and Data Analyst Her offbeat partner: Warren, Video Game Tech Support Location & date of wedding: Grandma’s house, Mt. Bonnell, Austin Texas — 9/18/2009 What made our wedding offbeat: We decided that good food, photography and celebrating with our loved ones were more important that any tradition. So we […]