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top hat

How much do we love a wedding top hat? We love a bride in a top hat, a groom in a top hat, and a nonbinary hottie in a top hat!

8204982096 710990e822 c alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Karina & Murray’s monocles and Mario wedding

Monocles and Mario Kart and much to love in this wedding — from the 1,000 origami paper cranes to the father of the bride’s amazing outfit, this DIY wedding has it all: self-catered vegan cupcakes (and an entire vegan dessert bar, ahem!), personalized vows, a divine red dress, and a seriously cool venue. Tip of the top hat to you two, too!

Perez Cummins Moondance Photography aIMG7251 low alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

A steampunk soiree with an amazingly detailed cake

Jenny from Moondance Photography may have been new to steampunk before photographing this wedding, but she got schooled! Victorian science fiction meets cyber punk is not something to be forgotten once you’ve experienced it. There were gears on the shoes and in the boutinnieres, top hats, vintage decor, and a steampunk cake with more details than you can imagine.

pbwed sup 1 082212 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

A 1920s Princess Bride surprise wedding

Kathy and Nathan dropped the ultimate surprise on their families and friends with a 1920s-themed birthday party ruse-turned-wedding! Not many people knew, but one in particular had to be in on the surprise. The officiant was dressed in full “Impressive Clergyman” garb and, naturally, began the ceremony with the famous ceremony monologue from The Princess Bride.

7638057502 28cb2a4ae0 z alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Souvenir glasses, Star Wars, and one very literal save-the-date

Tribesmaid Stealmystapler offered these vintage souvenir glasses as favors. Alternative muglies FTW! But that’s not we need to start this week off right. You also need a dancing dog, a very literal save-the-date, some lightsabers, and maybe a top hat.

sdfsfd 072512 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Shannon & Tim’s Neo-Victorian steampunk wedding

After having very traditional first weddings, this couple knew that this time around, the whole shebang was going to be totally personalized. Plus, it’s in the form of a steampunk/Neo-Victorian ceremony in a museum followed by an at-home reception with all the nearest and dearest, so we totally approve. You’ll go batty over the corset and bird cage “bouquet” too!

groom with a cane on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Anna & Jon’s family and sweets, hot-day wedding

On a VERY rare blazingly hot day in the UK, this colorful pair donned their respective purple veil and top hat to get married. Their goals were charmingly simple: family, sweets, and color. Oh, and don’t forget to check out the giant mob of long-haired and bearded men!