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6a14d72bf5f4bece3903ba6a123b8dcd alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Finger food wedding menu

This wedding menu roundup was inspired by and based on Juliette and David’s rock ‘n’ roll wedding with finger foods… and the quite possibly the classiest s’mores ever!

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Linda & Dave’s pseudo-rustic super stylin’ wedding

Hand-painted signs, vintage stoles, an ultra fashionable wedding party, reception outfit changes, tutus, fascinators, big hair… HEAD ASPLODE! Even the cupcakes are rustically gorgeous in re-purposed cigar boxes. Plus, everyone is killing me with adorable first look photos. Damn mascara running.

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Juliette & David’s rock ‘n’ roll finger foods wedding

Among the skyscrapers of Chicago, this musical pair had an affair to remember with a live band, tasty finger foods, bass case card box, and even a couple of Disney nods. Plus s’mores — don’t forget the s’mores! Check out this urban wedding with a rock twist.

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Star Wars, duct tape, steampunk cupcakes, and a little puppy love

The Offbeat Flickr Pool gave us more of what we love, people being frackin’ awesome! Star Wars, blue hair, steampunk cupcakes, Elvis… you can probably tell that this week’s Monday Montage is going crazy.

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Grace & Kevin’s lakeside beer and barbecue wedding

An outdoor barbecue with lots of beer and lots of dancing sounds pretty awesome. But add in a surprise officiant (the bride’s adorable grandfather!) and you’ve got some real sweetness going on. Plus, the hot Texas weather took a break just for the day. The stars aligned for this lovely spring theme week wedding.

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Theresa & Anderson’s LuvFest 2010 camping music festival wedding

LuvFest 2010 was an amazing homespun music fest featuring live music, lawn games, bonfires, fire dancers, multi-day camping, and a little rain to cool everyone off. That isn’t enough? Oh, there was a wedding too. Love was all around at this festival of killer jams and awesome vows.